求 海明威的乞力马扎罗的雪英文版原文
谁有《乞力马扎罗的雪》的英文原文?写毕业论文要用。 the snows of kilimanjaro Harry is a writer on safari in Africa with his wife,Helen.They are temporarily stranded when their truck breaks down from a burned-out bearing.While photographing a herd of waterbuck,Harry's knee is scratched by a thorn.Gangrene develops in his right leg.Harry attributes the problem to his failure to apply iodine to the wound.he rotting leg has an awful stench but Harry denies any pain or horror.He is just angry and extremely fatigued.He resents his wife(and maybe even her wealth)and is verbally cruel to her.While he rests,she shoots a ram.Harry reminisces about the people and places in his past.He has multiple flashbacks and contemplates all the writing he had one day hoped to do about the many experiences he has accumulated in his life but realizes nothing will be accomplished.He senses the heavy presence of death.When a rescue plane finally arrives,Harry is transported over the summit of Mt.Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Africa.But wait.It。
求一篇赏析或评论《乞力马扎罗的雪》的英文文章 The Snows of KilimanjaroThis story revolves around a writer who,about to die from gangrene which he got from a thorn prick,regrets how little he has achieved in his writings.The story starts off with.
谁有 《乞力马扎罗的雪》 的全文的中英文的文档。 有悬赏哦。拜托 亲,书源已上传,请查收。若满意,请尽快采纳。若有其它疑问,可以HI我,写明问题,我会尽快回复。祝您生活愉快!
寻《乞力马扎罗的雪》全文电子书。 饱经沧桑的作家哈里来到非洲,因为伤口不幸感染了坏疽菌,脾气暴躁,他的第四任妻子海伦守护在病床边。在生命垂危之际,他看着远处的乞力马扎罗山,回忆起了过去的一幕幕往事…当年他受到叔叔的鼓励,立志成为作家,便离开女友从美国来到法国。在巴黎他遇到美丽善良的辛西亚,但是两人结婚后,哈里却不愿过安稳的日子,要四处漂泊增长见识,最后辛西亚只好黯然离去。哈里又结识了一位女伯爵,过上了纸醉金迷的空虚生活。哈里最终和海伦结婚,想要再到非洲寻找失落的自我,但他最终还是死去了。答案补充 这个英文不好写,再给你一个《谁动了我的奶酪》的读后感吧。http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=10618995答案补充 啊!又找到个更好的网站,有很多书的英文读后感,也很简单,不错不错!http://www.795.com.cn/wz/48752.html 答案补充 我后面不是又给你2个网址么 答案补充 http://www.795.com.cn/wz/48752.html你看一下这个网址,打开一复制就可以了!我也想给你现成的,可它限定我的字数必须在500字以内!我尽力了,你看一下就行了
哪里能买到《乞力马扎罗的雪》一书?中英文版的都要 这本书不是地理书来的哦我记得好像是海明威的小说来的 后来还拍成电影了。一般省会城市的中心书店都能找到,这本书还比较普遍的。比如广州的购书中心就有,还不止一个版本了。或者你可以上当当网,上面也有的。
哪里能买到《乞力马扎罗的雪》一书?中英文版的都要 这本书不是地理书来的哦我记得好像是海明威的小说来的 后来还拍成电影了。br/>;一般省会城市的中心书店都能找到,这本书还比较普遍的。比如广州的购书中心。
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