是可忍孰不可忍英语翻译 用英语翻译“是可忍孰不可忍忍无可忍无需再忍”


是可忍孰不可忍用英语怎么说 If this can be endured,what else cannot

是可忍孰不可忍英语翻译 用英语翻译“是可忍孰不可忍忍无可忍无需再忍”


是可忍孰不可忍英语翻译 用英语翻译“是可忍孰不可忍忍无可忍无需再忍”

用英语翻译“是可忍孰不可忍忍无可忍无需再忍” Is endure which cannot endure unbearable without having to endure

是可忍孰不可忍英语翻译 用英语翻译“是可忍孰不可忍忍无可忍无需再忍”

是可忍孰不可忍和前一句的翻译? 《论语·八佾》:孔子谓季氏,\"八佾舞全庭,是可忍,孰不可忍也!八佾宫廷乐舞,按照周礼制定的礼法要求,应该是天子八佾,诸侯六,卿大夫四,士二。如果这件事情能容忍,那还有哪件事情不能容忍—这是最不能容忍的事情了。只是用此句来反问鲁公,激起他羞愧之心以反击季氏的僭越、专权。

请用英语翻译:他们要以此声明:限制令是政府企图剥夺他们的自由,是可忍孰不可忍! 楼上用词不贴切的They want to declare for this reason:The restrictive law is imposed by the government with the intention to deprive them of freedom,it is extremely intolerable。专业术语以此 for this reason限制令 restrictive law剥夺 deprive可忍孰不可忍extremely intolerable

求翻译成英语,英语大神们求帮忙,是可忍孰不可忍 Wow,so many Philippines loser crying here,Filipinos can only fight in the commentary.Because of your weak nerves and weak national nature,you are mad at the collapse.Filipinos are racist and a complete lack of moral standards,Filipino national quality is really too low.You are very hasn't received any education,shame like you like basketball.It is because Filipinos always put boxing applied to everything in sports,so you will fail.But for the loser,I won't sympathize with you,your team will always be the last,if you want to win the game,first stop your players from practicing boxing and fighting skills,because it will make your own basketball skills fall.And I would like to remind you that if you are an Asian team in Philippines,please be expelled from all the African players.Because you know that if you do that,you can't win any team in Asia.I think this is a shame,but I know the thick skinned Filipinos will oppose.You have a population of 100000000 in Philippines,you are 。

英语翻译 1.孔子说的\"是可忍也,孰不可忍也\".这句话的意思是:如果这件事情能容忍,那还有哪件事情不能容忍。就是说:这是最不能容忍的事情了.2.老子说的\"天法道,道法自然\".法在这里有效法的意思,也就是人要以地的规则来,地以天的规则来,最后道归于自然,起与自然,两者相生,同一于法3.老子主张的\"守静\"是什么意思?老子说的\"鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死相来往\"又是什么意思?无为而治是道家基本的政治主张,\"守静\"大致意思就是安分点,不要三天两头的搞什么改革,搞什么运动.顺其自然.邻国相互遥望,鸡犬之声相互听闻,人民到老死也不相互来往(这个问题太多了,只解释原意)4.还有这句话:\"圣人之治,虚其心,实其.(忘了是什么字了),弱其智,强其骨,常使民无知无欲\"又是什么意思?不以功名利禄去奖赏人民,从而使人民不为功名利禄而付出争取的代价;不把稀罕的东西视作珍奇的宝贝,从而使人民不为宝贵的东西而产生盗窃的念头;不呈现出可争可夺的东西,从而使人民心正不斜.因此,圣人治理天下,心不存在私欲,净化人民的心思,使之无贪念,为了三餐温饱就算了,同时,薄弱他们的志向,令他们无野心,但强健他们的筋骨,永远令他们无知无贪念,也使他们中智慧高强的人而不敢胆大妄为.这样去引导他们,那么天下就永远平安。


