如果遇到困难时,你最好向警察求救(英文翻译) 有困难时 求助于警察英文


翻译 有困难请向警察求助

当你有困难时 向警察求助 用英语怎么说 Ask the police for help if you are in trouble.或 Seek help from the police if you have troubles.

英语翻译 1 would you mind cleaning the window.2 you can turn to police for help when you have troubles.3 he contacts with us upon he arriving in Shanghai.4 the children have been gone to sleep before the end o.

英语翻译 I forgot to remind him of the time for interview.Turn to policeman for help when you meet the trouble.He contacted with us as soon as he arrive at Shanghai.He failed in catching with Mr.Wang in physical classThe policewoman ran fast enough to catch the thief.他直到做完工作才离开办公室.我永远不会忘记我们一起生活学习的那个秋天.她在一个职业学校学习了几年.我告诉Mr.John我会给他一个带门铃的房间.我忘记了我都被教过什么,我只记得我学过的东西.

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