英语翻译 I come from Chengdu,Sichuan.In the latter Han period.China is divided into three countries.Liu is fr英语翻译 My hometown is LangZhong.It`s an old,historical city which sits by the north of SICHUAN.It`s one of the four ancient cities,full of many speciality snacks such as the vinegar of Baoding and Zhangfei.英语翻译“我的家乡在四川东北部,有很多山,约70万人,大部分务农,贫穷落后,生活艰苦,近几年道路畅通,高楼林立,人民生活水平大幅度提高,这就是我地家乡,我爱我的家乡.” My hometown is in the northeast of Sichuan.There are a lot of mountains,about 700,000 people.Most of them are farmers.It was poor and backward,life was hard.In recent years,the roads are clear,tall buildings everywhere,people's living condistions improved by a large margin.This is my hometown.I love my hometown.英语翻译 楼主,一楼和二楼一看就是用翻译软件翻译的,他们把达州翻译成佛罗里达州.(Florida)我来给你翻译:My hometown,located in Dazhou Sichuan,is beautiful place.There are many beautiful places here,such as Lake L.怎么用英文介绍我的家乡四川(还有改变~) My hometown is Sichuan Province.It lies in the southeast of China.It is a very beautiful place.There are two famous places of interest in my hometown.One is Dujiang Dam and the other is Dufu's Thatche.英语翻译 On May 12.2008,a trong earthquake shook my hometown,Wenchuan in Sichuan province.At 2:28 p.m.we suddenly felt everything began to shake fiercely and the earth rose and fell sharply.In a few terrible seconds,the city of Wenchuan lay in ruins.The supply of water and electricity was cut off.A great number of people were injured or killed and a lot of people were trapped under the ruins.The number of people who were killed reached than 60,000.
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