恭喜你就要成为爸爸了英语 老外要当父亲了,应该怎样用英语祝贺


二年级家长给孩子的一封信范文一 亲爱的女儿:你好。漫长的三个月暑假已经过去,恭喜你成为一名二年级的小学生。在这三个月的时间里,妈妈觉得你在以下几个方面有了很大的。

恭喜你就要成为爸爸了英语 老外要当父亲了,应该怎样用英语祝贺

第一次知道自己要当爸爸了是种怎样的体验? https://www.zhihu.com/question/2634 3571/answer/251321401 ? 1.1 万 ? ? 910 条评论 ? ? ? 喜欢 ? 继续浏览内容 知乎 发现更大的世界 打开 。

恭喜你就要成为爸爸了英语 老外要当父亲了,应该怎样用英语祝贺

以下内容的英文邮件怎么写? Happy to learn that you have been promoted as a father.On behalf of all at the company,I congratuate you and wish everyone is well,at the same time you have added further responsibility to your shoulder.During this difficult time let us work hard together to create a better condition for our family,and our staff.Let us broaden the market in Australia.

恭喜你就要成为爸爸了英语 老外要当父亲了,应该怎样用英语祝贺

英语翻译 Dear(对方的名字):I am very glad to learn that you have been promoted to the general manager.Congratulations to you on your success。When I know about this good news,I was so very,very pleased from my heart,and as your old classmate,I was gratified by your success.You are always smart,capable as well as positive.I trust that you will be a man to accomplish great things in your new position.Finally,I want to say that you are a good example of me.I will try my best to workhard and get promoted by my self one day.sincerely,(你的名字)PS:鄙视楼上直接用电脑翻译还说自己是学生的…我是纯手工的哦~望采纳~

恭喜你当父亲了 怎么翻译

老外要当父亲了,应该怎样用英语祝贺 英语牛人团为您解答:祝贺语可以为:congratulations。You will be the great father。Here my deeply greetings to your wife and best wishes to your baby.满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O~

恭喜你做爸爸了 英文怎么说?请帮忙 比较正式的:Congratulationsonbeingafather.美国口语:Gratsonbeingadad. 最满意答案 比较正式的:Congratulations on being a father.美国口语:Grats on being a dad. 。

祝贺你啊,就快要当爸爸了?这句话用英语怎么说? 楼上的两位在开玩笑吗?应该是congratulations,you are going to be a father.人家说的是就快要当爸爸了,你弄个will be,别不懂装懂好吗。

英语翻译 always me 总是我the 8 vegetables few people knows 很少有人.notify 9 setences 打招呼9句艾玛·沃特森【艾玛·沃特森 简介】中文名:艾玛·沃特森 全名:Emma 。

英语我做父亲了 I will been a father 孩子还没出世i'm a father 孩子出生了恭喜啊,哈哈

