如果你不知道你要去哪儿,没有路可以带你去。英语作文。不知道怎么写。 周末你打算去哪儿作文怎么写


我的周末英语作文.要求:这个周末你打算做什么?你要去哪里?你怎么去那儿?准备和谁去?50个字左右 This weekend I want to spend some time with my friends.We are going to take a picnic in the park.The park is not very far,so we are going there by bike.I have invited Jane and Tom,they are my best friends.I think we will have a great time together.如果你不知道你要去哪儿,没有路可以带你去。英语作文。不知道怎么写。 You are the greatest father in the world.I love you forever。Thank you,my dear father。From:Your daughterLilingB:Dear Tom,I see your problem.I think our life is becoming better and better in recent years,and and students are putting on weight.I think the main reason is that they eat too much junk food,but exercise less.In my opinion,if you are putting on weight,you should eat fruit and vegetables,and eat less junk food,you should also go to bed early and get up early every day.Then,you should do exercise to keep fit.A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important to you.请写一下你上个周末去哪儿了?在那儿都做了些什么?不少于5句话.(英语作文) I went visit my grandparents last weekend.My grandparents live in the country side.It took me two hours by bus to visit them.My grandma is not feeling well,so I bring her some honey tea.My grandfather likes to play chess with me.I had a godd time with them last weekend.记得采纳啊这个周末你打算去哪里?去干什么?写写你的计划,并写出从家里出发去目的地的路线.用英语说,谁会啊 I like to travel,because tourism is a kind of make me relaxing exercise.This year I plan to go to Beijing,I want to climb the Great Wall,and take pictures.I am ready to go with my friends by plane,of course I go in front,can use a computer to buy tickets and seeing the sights,then ready for clothes,food and many other things.Yes,there are tourist map,this is very important。I look forward to my trip,wish me luck。回忆一下自己曾经度过的某一个美好的周末并写一篇短文记录下来。当时天气怎么样?你是怎样度过的?去哪儿 Last Sunday,it was sunny and I had a great time.In the morning,I got up early.After breakfast I went to the zoo with Bob.We saw a dolphin show.We took some photos there and bought some souvenirs,too.Then,we had some hamburgers for lunch at KFC.We also had some fruit ice cream.After lunch,we went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts.Then we went to a bookshop and bought some books.Next,I hung out with Bob in the street.Finally,tired but happy,we took the bus back to school.At the end of the day,we watched a movie about living in the future.试题分析:本题是一篇话题作文。根据所给62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333335333136话题可知本文主要是一般过去时态,主语是第一人称,注意时态与时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。【亮点说明】该文使用了不少短语,为文章增色不少。如had a great time、got up early、took some photos、hung out with Bob、At the end of the day等等。


