求助信英语怎么写 高中英语求助信怎么写


如何写英文的求助信,比如问外国友人问题的信,该如何开始,如何结束呢? best regards书信中的结束语,意思是最真诚的祝愿开始就用Dear Mary/Harry/Oliver.结尾就用b.rgds/Yours sincerely/Truly Yours/Cheers

求助信英语怎么写 高中英语求助信怎么写

翻译英文求助信 I have enquired at the West Union Remittances and they told me that you have put my name in the reverse order on the remittance memo.That is the reason that I have not yet received the remittance.You can call the West Union Remittances toll free hotline 800-325-6000 to give themn the correct order of my name,which is Yu Guoping.Please let me know after you have made the correction.

求助信英语怎么写 高中英语求助信怎么写

高中英语求助信怎么写 deareditor,ilovemusicwheniwasyoung.however,it'sreallyhardformetodecidewhichinstrumentishouldchoosetolearn.iwanttolearnhowtoplaytheviolin.thesoundofviolinissobeautifulanditcanmakepeoplerelax.butialsowanttolearnhowtoplayerhuaswell.that'sthetraditionalinstrumentinchina.thosetwoinstrumentsaretotallydifferentintonesandstyles.iwanttolearnbothbutiknowitwillbetoohard.canyougivemesomeadviceonwhichoneishouldchoose?sincere,namedate答案补充亲爱的2113编辑,我从5261小就喜欢音乐。但是,我很难决定我应该选4102择哪个乐1653器。我想学如何拉小提琴。小提琴的音乐声很美而且能使人放松。但是我也想学如何拉二胡。那是中国的传统乐器。这两样乐器在音调和风格上完全不一样。我两样都想学,但是我知道那样很难。能不能关于应该选择哪种乐器给我一点建议呢?忠诚的,名字日期答案补充你没说字数。不过觉得可能够了吧英语求助信咋写?

求助信英语怎么写 高中英语求助信怎么写

高中英语求助信怎么写 Dear teacher,My name is Zhou Ming.I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help.I have met much difficulty in learning English.First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember.Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite.What’s grammar is also very difficult to learn.Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for some help.Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them easily?In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text slowly so that the average students can easily follow you.Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.I’m sure that I can make great progress in my study with your help.

如何写英文求助信 Dear Mr./Ms.Director,I'm.,recently admitted by.department of your collgeg/university.I will come for registration on October,13th.What is worrying me is that I still haven't found a place to live in.

一篇英语求助信 内容是向老师求助 可以是生活学习上的问题 Dear Sir,May I trouble you for a few minutes?I have some difficulty in learning English.I don't know how to pronounce words correctly,and even with the help of the Chinese dictiona.


