发青的脸庞的英语 熟悉的脸庞用英语怎么说


英语翻译 感觉不到你为我坚强,感觉得到你对我说谎,I can't feel you've been strong for me except for lying along.我安静听着肖邦,用维也纳忧伤,I listen to Chopin silently with the sorrow of Vienna.你的爱被埋葬,恨被收藏,痛应该原谅,Your love has been buried underground,hatred has been stored up,anguish is supposed to be forgiven.我的爱不用讲,恨不用想,I don't need to say my love or think about my detestation.思念在发烫,看着你的脸庞,背着行囊,说要去远方,Flashbacks are glowing,while looking at your cheek with backpack on,heading for somewhere far away.谁还记得那年我拉着你说,爱永远一样who can still remember that year,I held your hands and said,love forever same along

发青的脸庞的英语 熟悉的脸庞用英语怎么说

英语翻译 Sleeping Beauty dreams millenniumThe tips of the hair are flowing emeraldShy face like Rose CrystalThorns of the forest's Sleeping BeautyPrisoners slept tragedyFei-fat devil wovenThe Curse of toxic thoughtsThorns of the deep forest of thornsIn a dream foreverEnd of a dream worldWill eventually fall on the black ofWhite will eventually collapse on sub-Dream of the habitat only and prayMiscellaneous for the magic to actually dry the biteTears have broken isolation PearlThorns of the forest's Sleeping BeautyBianfu thorns of Sleeping BeautyDay is almost a nightmare come trueThe only hope brave resistance to this nightmare

发青的脸庞的英语 熟悉的脸庞用英语怎么说

英语翻译 Staggering walk Sunset Grow old Profound feelings And then touch your face,softly say something-\"I feel for you all the time

发青的脸庞的英语 熟悉的脸庞用英语怎么说

英语翻译 the sunshine is brilliant,just as your smiling face.

英语翻译 嗷.翻译~我来也~(话说LZLZ.你会上线的吧.会把会把.我的任务啊~挥泪~)p.s 这是诗么…是的话我声明翻译不管韵律的.歉意…还有有些地方会改动词,不过深情还在~窗外的方向,stretching beyond the window,有一个幻想,a fantasy,你的脸庞在寂寞彷徨,lonesome is your countenance,心中的忧伤,the heart's melancholy,在天空流浪,wander the skies,微笑绽放,smile blossoming,在孤单回响,alone it's echoing,眼泪还在流淌,tears are yet dry,流向那未知远方,streaming far into the unknown你的泪光,your tears,在眼眶迷惘,lost in the eyes,我在远方遥望,i stand out in the unknown,glancing想你回到我身旁,thinking of you back by side,刚要伪装,眼泪却投降,tears surrender,before i could reach the disguise你的脸庞,很迷茫.your face is lost.是一道美丽的光,a streak of beauty,仰望天空,gazing upon the sky看那白云的衣裳,gazing upon velvet clouds,一阵芳香,越过空旷山野散落我身旁,fragrance,travelling across meadows 'til shattered and spread都穿过我们的心墙.it leakes through the wall of our hearts如果天空没有。


