论中国的性别平等英语作文 社会男女不平等的英语作文


急 求一篇有关男女平等的英语作文 On Equality In the days when a woman’s entire obligation was to be a good daughter,a good wife and a good mother,men and women were far from equal.Women suffered sexual discrimination until the so-ca.

论中国的性别平等英语作文 社会男女不平等的英语作文

如何看待性别不平等现象 英语作文 Recent years see girl students on the campus than boys,and girls perform as excellently as boys.Some are even superior and receive praises and honors.Indeed,girls are equal to boys.However,when they are getting out of the pure schoolyard and venture into the complicated society,they find themselves faced with many things different.Among them is sexism at work.It begins with the job interview.Though females have made full preparation to cope with the situation,blatant sexism in the selection of staff will make it tough for them to please the interviewer and render him to nod.More vacancies are open only to males.Sometimes,females will be rejected just because of their sex.

论中国的性别平等英语作文 社会男女不平等的英语作文

男女应该平等吗?英语作文 Should Men and Women Be Equal?Nowadays,we still have a lot arguments on whether men and women should be treated equally.In my opinion,it is self-evident that men and human are equal.Firstly,men and wo.

论中国的性别平等英语作文 社会男女不平等的英语作文

英语作文:简要探讨<男女平等现状,“巾帼不让须眉”的理由,男女平等的前途> 120——150之间 Equal Rights between Men and WomenIn many countries in the world,women are looked down upon.It is difficult for them to get some work than men.In order to get a job,they sometimes have to tell a lie.That's unfair.In fact,women can work no worse than men.There's nothing that women can't do.Perhaps,they are better at their work than men.For example,in making telephones and computers,many companies would rather employ women,for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers.Like,they can also become excellent engineers,doctors and teachers.So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights.男女之间的平等和妇女权利内容:在世界上许多国家,妇女是瞧不起。这是他们更难以得到一些比男性工作。为了得到一份工作,他们有时不得不说谎。这是不公平的。事实上,e79fa5e9819331333262373362妇女可以没有比男性差。没有什么,妇女不能做到的。也许,他们更善于比男子的工作。例如,在电话和电脑制作,许多公司宁愿雇用妇女,男人不能拿起他们的手指的小件。像,他们也能成为优秀。

写一篇关于男女平等的英语作文,字数约为120。须原创。 Be equal between men and women now?If thequestion is asked in the ancient,the answer must be no.The quality between men and women can't be impossible and we all know the women have lower status than men in the ancient.with the progress of human society and development of economy,men have got and equallty in every sides of life,women can vote,can do same work and get same salary.but i want to say that women don't get enough equality yet.Fisrt,the women wil get pressure from family life than men beacause they must stand huge pain to give birth to a child and this is a kind of inequality that can't be changed。

社会男女不平等的英语作文 男e69da5e6ba907a6431333363353831女不平等英语 Today,and college graduates,especially girls,are have great employment pressure.The employing units in the recruitment use various causes of discrimination against girls.They are treated differently and They do not have the same rights as the boys.As far as I am concerned,women can over perform men in many aspects such as carefulness,patience,delicacy.female employers also should have confidence and the firm belief hat if they are really,they can surely find a satisfactory job despite all the prejudices.I firmly believe that women should be given the same rights as men,because they are equally important in all human activities.Therefore,the personnel director should offer opportunities to female applicants,so that they won’t lose their talented stuffs.

英语作文:男女平等么? 范文21132男女5261平等4102(Equal Rights between Men and Women)1653In many countries in the world,women are looked down upon.It is difficult for them to get some work than men.In order to get a job,they sometimes have to tell a lie.That's unfair.In fact,women can work no worse than men.There's nothing that women can't do.Perhaps,they are better at their work than men.For example,in making telephones and computers,many companies would rather employ women,for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers.Like,they can also become excellent engineers,doctors and teachers.So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights

