

1.周老师是一位年轻人.他个子不高,留着短发,戴一副眼镜.2.他讲课有趣.3.他热爱学生工作努力.英语作文. Mr.Zhou is a young teacher,he is not very tall,he has short hair and wears a pair of glasses.He makes our lessons intrestingly,he cares about students.And as a teacher,he works hardly,so we all think.


有一首歌 里面有段歌词大概意思就是一个女的 收拾房间无意中收拾出前男友的照片然后陷入了回忆 有一句歌词大概是“因为他留着和你一样的短发” 好长时间没听了大概都忘了求大神解答 歌名:因为你爱上他 作词:贝若德华 作曲:贝若德华 编曲:贝若德华 主唱:蒋雪儿 曾经的爱我也真的难忘过 为你付出再多也不难过 为何最后你要给我那个结果 让我陷入爱你的。


1.以下词语的中文意思 1.4F(4楼)2.SARS(非典型肺炎)照顾 take care of;attend to;look after;出生 be born in 出生地birth place制作飞机模型 make a model plane聊天to have a chat with;在.期间 during;in the meantime;in the meanwhile;1.I'm fond of referring to the internet because I want to know about the world.2.Amy has a head of brown short hair and wears a pair of glasses.3.We all look forward to meeting earlier.4.He spends half an hour reading newspaper everyday.5.That colorful suit fits Mrs Green well.6.Jane is payig for a computer.7.Last year's clothes are at the sale.


我个子高,留着短发并且戴副眼镜英语 I'm tall,with short hair and a pair of glasses我个子高,留着短发并且戴副眼镜

英语翻译 1 My uncle has short hair.He doesn't wear glasses.2 They love playing football and often play it after school every day.3 We often play badminton on the 。

英语翻译 1 My uncle has short hair.He doesn't wear glasses.2 They love playing football and often play it after school every day.3 We often play badminton on the badminton court.4 Our Eenglish teacher is of small build.She has black long hair.5 Kitty studies hard.She doesn't play computer games.6 It's time for me to do homework.

但是以前她有着黑色的短头发,总是戴着一副太阳眼镜,非常可爱 的英语怎么说,主要是过去时,是过去的样子 But before she has short black hair,always wears a pair of sunglasses,very lovely

他看起来不出众有着一头短头发也戴着一副眼镜他最喜欢拍照因为他想要当一个记者。英语怎么说 He looks common.He has short hair and wears a pair of glasses.He likes taking photos most because he want to be a correspondent.

英语翻译 Walking on a busy street is very dangerous for children.To us,cutting our hair is easier than keeping it short.Your decision to make him calm down is the right choice.To people,protecting the wildlife.


