



歌词翻译 英:I give you my heartHold on,let me sign itYour senorita aka your best friendHereby,let it be knownLove like never beforeIm always at your serviceYou just have to holler at meNYC,NYC,woah woahTokyo,Tokyo,woah woahSend it off from the streets to the highestTo the highest,highMP3,MP3,playersWork it out,work it out,hustlerOh,my name got him thereMmm,mmm,mmmYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightIll see you laterCall me,you know my numberLike Captain PicardIm chilling and flossingIts 7 o clockI issue the warningThats right,were stealing the showDamn right,letting him knowWere sipping chardonnayfrom 2 PM on our working dayChinga-ling Chinga-ling,woah woahChinga-ling Chinga-ling,woah woahTake me down to the fields where the grass isWhere the glasses lieMP3,MP3,playersWork it out,work it out,hustlerOh,my name got him thereMmm,mmm,mmmYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYI。


还是歌词翻译 Locus iste a Deo factus est,这是神亲手所造的殿堂inaestimabile sacramentum是无价的圣礼Benedictus,benedictusBlessed,blessed[is he]神圣,神圣(的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictusWho comes in the name,blessed[is he who comes]以主之名到来,神圣(的使者)In nomineIn the name of以主DomineThe Lord之名Benedictus,benedictusBlessed,blessed[is he]神圣,神圣(的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictusWho comes in the name,blessed[is he who comes]以主之名到来,神圣(的使者)In nomineIn the name of以主DomineThe Lord之名Sanctus Dominus Deus SabbaothHoly Lord God Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloriaHeaven and earth are full of thy glory天地间闪耀着你的光芒Sanctus Dominus Deus SabbaothHoly Lord God Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli gloriaThe Heavens are full of thy glory天空中闪耀着你的光芒SanctusHoly圣哉Benedictus,benedictusBlessed,blessed[is he]神圣,神圣(的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictusWho comes in the name,blessed[is he who。


翻译翻译歌词 英文Big Bad Love 歌词I'm having dreams in the night of you babyAnd Sigmund Freud would have thought I was crazyI wonder why you've become an obsessionAll I know is that I need to have your big bad loveBig bad love(3x)You keep on lovin' and lyin'You've turning me into a fool babeBut I'm not screamin' or cryin'There's better things we have to do babyIt takes a lot for me to truly believeThat you could love me unconditionallyAnd I'm terrified of taking a chanceIf you're not ready to believe in romanceWho.I wonder why I am so unrelentlessThere's nothing that I can do to prevent thisAnd the dream I am not apprehensiveAll I know is that I need to have your.Chorus:Big bad loveI need a love with an attitudeBig bad loveThe only kind that I want from youBig bad loveI need it from you so urgentlyBig bad love.need it baby yeah yeah yeahI'm not avoidin' your lovin''Cause I can afford to be blue babeI keep on pushin' and shovin'I can't get enough out of you 。

歌词翻译 有这样一段时间在每个人的生活中什么都不会如你所愿所有东西都出了问题有这样一段时间你似乎找不到自己的归宿你开启的每一扇门都扇了你的耳光这时你需要一个人一个你可以诉说的人当你失去所有的信念你感觉无法生活下去让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧如果你需要这样的一个朋友让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧我觉得你总是最后一个想出办法的人口袋空空如也不管你去哪里都找不到归宿你伸手想寻找,却被伤害一切我都记得很清楚那种孤独的感觉你愿意放弃一切来换取一个容身之地这时你需要一个人一个你可以诉说的人当你失去所有的信念你感觉无法生活下去让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧如果你需要这样的一个朋友让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧如果你需要这样的一个朋友让我成为这个人吧让我成为这个人吧


歌词翻译 Ship in the Sand-Marble Sounds船在沙滩上,大理石的声音Woke up this morning thought早上醒来的想法Gotta change my life要改变我的生活I'm like a ship in the sand我就像一艘船在沙滩上Just waiting for the tide只是等待着潮流I got lot of reasons,glad to be alive我有很多原因,高兴地活着But always waking up alone但总是独自醒来just makes me wanna die.只是让我想死。But always waking up alone,但是,总是醒来just makes me wanna die.只是让我想死。I may be lonely but I'm not stupid我可能会孤独但我不傻I try to live with my mistakes我试着接受我的错误So I stay awake to ease all pain所以我保持清醒,以缓解疼痛But I've never been very good at playing that game但我从来没有很擅长玩这个游戏No I've never been very good at that.不,我从来没有很好。Forget the past it's just an ugly background忘记过去只是一个丑陋的背景That stains everything we try to believe in这个污渍我们试着相信的一切And accept the things that failed love brings和接受失败的爱带来的东西and don't project it onto 。

歌词翻译 靠近你就觉得安心Close to you can feel at ease因为你那双爱笑眼睛Because of your love to laugh eyes你笑我 猫一样好奇You smiled at me like a cat聪明又偏透着傻气Smart and partial look sillyDarling 我想告诉你Darling I want to tell you其实我比你爱我更爱你In fact,I love you than you love me善解人意浪漫话语Romantic discourse understanding仿佛一切命中注定Everything seemed decreed by fate你的体贴 温暖了我的心Your thoughtfulness to warm my heart就像夏天的风吹过Just like the summer wind blowing那么凉爽安静So cool and quiet我轻轻依偎在你的怀里I gently in your arms天空挂满祝福的星星The sky filled with blessings of stars你的体贴Your thoughtfulness温暖了我的心Warm my heart就像倾盆大雨Like a downpour舍不得淋湿爱你的心Not bear love your heart我要唱给你听I want to sing to you陶醉在你给的甜蜜Revel in your sweetDarling 我想告诉你Darling I want to tell you其实我比你爱我更爱你In fact,I love you than you love me善解人意浪漫话语Romantic discourse 。

