介绍名人的英语小短文 爱因斯坦Albert Einstein was the best physics professor in the world in 20 century.He was born in German in 1879.His father called Herman.Einstein had a small factory.His mother was housewife,liked music very much.When Einstein was six years old,she taught Einstein to play the violin.He is a usual boy in the elementary school and middle school.He didn’t like to play with others,so the teachers and students didn’t like him.Once,one of the teachers said to him:“Einstein,yon won’t be successful when you grow up.”His uncle is a small engineer.He liked math very much.Einstein studied science and philosopher earlier with the help of his uncle.His father is a kind man.In October in 1896,Einstein started his learning in an industry university.He studied in the department of math and physics.He thought the education of the school was boring.Luckily,he could study more.Einstein studied very hard in the subjects that he liked best.After some years,he was famous for his paper about 。
物理课程与教学论研究生学的是什么课程???? 物理课程与教学论专业,现在考研专业名称是学科教学(物理),属于师范类专业硕士【专硕】,我国大部分师范院校研究生院都有这个专业。一、物理教育硕士专业介绍【全日制,学制三年,硕士专业】培养目标:本专业培养具备物理教育教学领域坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识,熟悉基础教育改革,掌握基础教育改革的新理念、新内容和新方法,具有较强的解决实际问题的能力,能够承担物理专业的教育教学和研究工作的高素质应用型人才。二、培养方式1.主要利用寒暑假期间进行授课和指导论文。第一、二学年以课程学习为主,采用讲授、自学、讨论相结合的方式,注重案例教学;强调学生自学,组织咨询辅导;加强实践环节,安排教学实践活动,实践活动在学员原单位进行,学员实践活动结束后,须提交两份教案及相关的教学评价。2.第二学年下学期除安排一定选修课外,还应开展学位论文工作,作论文开题报告,第三学年上学期进行学位论文中期检查。学位论文答辩在第三学年下学期进行,期终完成学位授予工作。学员修满规定学分后方可进入学位论文撰写阶段。学位论文选题以研究中学教学中的重点实际问题为主,应具有开拓性。在撰写论文期间,学员应有两个月左右的时间到校接受。