求一篇《爱家乡,爱芜湖》的作文,不少于600字哦,谢谢大家:) 我的家乡芜湖日语作文


我的家乡芜湖,英语作文100字 love my hometown of WuhuMy hometown is a beautiful Jiangbin Wuhu city.Do not believe it?Well,let us board He mountain summit,you can enjoy a good faction breasted beautiful river landscape with a river:overlooking the Yangtze River,where dozens of vivid pier,the Yangtze River Bridge in close proximity,overlooking the brown foot of the mountain,river surging,there is myth of the middle of the river island of color Cao Kou Island and brown mountains narrow strip of water exist side by side;close view of the urban area surrounded by the Castle Peak,Mirror Lake sparkling water waves,lakes and mountains,each other,they can not help so many people sincerely admire Jiangcheng Jiao.Yes,Wuhu is a lovely home,she's lovely not only because it Jiangshan picturesque,but also a long history of lies in her charm.When you're wandering around in the Pigeon Square,you will see the\"Dove Top Zerui\"large-scale sculpture.Listening to the teacher told us:As early as than two thousand years ago,because。求一篇《爱家乡,爱芜湖》的作文,不少于600字哦,谢谢大家:) 我的家乡是被称为中国古代四大米市之一的芜湖,她位于安徽东南部,地处长江下游南岸,南倚皖南山系,北望江淮平原,浩浩长江自城西南向东北缓缓流过,青弋江自东南向西北,穿城而过,汇入长江。她像一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在皖江与青弋江的交汇口。芜湖历史悠久,春秋时代为吴国的鸠鹚邑,作为县名始于公元前109年,距今已有2100多年历史。历史上芜湖的农业、手工业、商业颇为发达。从明代开始,逐渐成为长江下游地区的重要商埠。浆染等手工业已闻名遐迩,明代宋应星所著《天工开物》中就有\"织造尚淞江(上海),浆染尚芜湖\"之说,形成号称\"芜湖巨店\"的大型浆染工场。我的家乡风景秀丽,市中心的步行街环绕着美丽的镜湖,长江边的中江塔守望着来来往往的船舶。市北郊长江畔还有因李白《望天门山》一诗而天下闻名的天门山,天门二山中以东梁山最为陡峭,突兀江中,如刀削斧砍,巍巍然砥柱中流,令一泻千里的长江折转北去,形成“碧水东流至此回”的奇特景象。中江塔巍然耸立于青弋江与长江交汇处的江堤上,始建于明万历46年(1618年),清康熙八年(1669年)重建,中江塔专供夜间置灯,导航来往船只,故堪称为芜湖地域位置的标志,中江塔雄视双江,影映二水,晨曦夕照,。我的家乡 芜湖 作文 写一些芜湖的历史.然后鸠嵫广场、滨江公园、方特等,说明芜湖的美丽.然后在写写芜湖的美好未来.最后点明你对芜湖家乡的热爱.


