英语翻译 曾经一百次一千次一万次同自己讲,今生今世,我要摞我嘅一切奉献俾你.你要到天涯海角我会跟住你,你要赴汤蹈火我都会陪住你,可能,我带唔到俾你幸福同埋快乐,但喺我可以俾你始终感觉到因为有我所以感到幸福同埋快乐.其实这个短文,很多粤语话也是这样表达的.
英语翻译 the problem is too difficult for me to work it out.2.the problem is so difficult that i can't work it out.3.the problem is not easy enough for me to work it out.
你如果不在的英文怎么写 You are not,how do I do?Moment,you come and trance,you leave.Lonely like in bloom Tour 相信我百分之百没错的