人烟稀少英文怎么写 英语翻译


“林中有两条路,我选择了人烟稀少的那条”是谁的名言?英文怎么说? 好象是普希金的一首诗 以前初中课本里出现过这是我的翻译:Layin' in front of me are two roads:One flourished with multiple kinds of flowers and plants;The other,just a scene of desolation.However,I choosed the latter one.因为是诗歌的语言,所以语法上做了简略的处理

人烟稀少英文怎么写 英语翻译

英语翻译 I lived in Beijing,but i really want to move to the western of China where is have little populations.

人烟稀少英文怎么写 英语翻译

英语翻译 填空处的句子:whether they went to a sparsely populated place

人烟稀少英文怎么写 英语翻译

英语中人烟稀少怎么写 快快快 哪位好人帮帮忙 Sparsely populated 可以翻译为 人口稀少 人烟稀少

“林中有两条路,我选择了人烟稀少的那条”是谁的名言?英文怎么说? div>;哈哈.<;/div>;<;div>;不知道 罗伯特-弗洛斯特(Robert Frost)曾经写过一首诗, 名字叫作:“未选择的路”(The road not taken), 其中有一句名言:“林中有两条路,。

英语翻译 British Isles's first group of Indoeuropean inhabitants are 塞尔特 the person.On the original island possibly also has a earlier inhabitant,but the person smoke is scarce,therefore has not left behind how many vestiges.The first article mentioned that,塞尔特 the person is ancient Indo-European's,probably leaves in 4500 ago they to migrate in Eastern Europe's hometown to the west,when 1000(is equal to our country business faces last years,the Western Zhou Dynasty first year),they have become south north Germany,the Alps a foothill formidable nationality.(Is equal about 500 B.C.to our country Spring and Autumn Period time),they start to the west to migrate,afterwards arrived the England London islands.This is Indo-European's first\"the invasion\".Indo-European's second invasion is in the A.D.five centuries the leaf,at that time lives in the present Germany and Danish 交界处 has two tribes,was Shi Lesu benefits the standard(Schleswig)Anglo(Angles),another was Hall Shitan because of(Holstein。


