三分钟左右电视剧或者电影台词 急求3分钟左右的3人英文电影对白!


英语表演剧本 电影台词 3分钟左右 An play-Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。Master,are you tired?Let’s have a rest.唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。I am fine.Let’s have a rest later.Look。There is a house over there.悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。小媳妇(做哭状):爹、妈,我…Daddy,mommy,I,I…老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。Honey,hurry up.The spirit is coming soon.小媳妇走几步又回头跑回老妈的怀里,抱头痛哭。老头在一边叹息,擦泪。唐僧、悟空走到他们面前。悟空:师傅,到了。Master,here we are.唐僧(走到老头面前行礼,悟空看见了正在哭的母女俩,觉得奇怪,上下打量):老施主,我是从东土大唐前往西天取经的和尚,想借贵地休息一晚,不知方便否?Excuse me,sir.I am the monk from the east.Can we stay over here tonight?老头(做哽咽状):哦,是东土大唐来的高僧啊,可以可以。(别过脸去继续哭泣)Oh,you are the monk from the east.Sure.Sure,come in,please…唐僧正在奇怪,老妈闻声抬起头,仔细打量唐僧,突然。

三分钟左右电视剧或者电影台词 急求3分钟左右的3人英文电影对白!


三分钟左右电视剧或者电影台词 急求3分钟左右的3人英文电影对白!

求英语电影经典对白片段,3分钟左右的。 威廉: 我想娶你,因为你是我每天早上醒来睁开眼最先想见到的人,也是每晚我想亲吻道晚安的那个人。I wanna marry you because your're the first person that I want to 。

三分钟左右电视剧或者电影台词 急求3分钟左右的3人英文电影对白!

谁能帮忙写一篇三分钟左右的英文演讲稿, Well,I think it is hard for someone in our generation that never watched any movie.In fact,I’m a big fan of movies that I always imagine that I was the hero or leading role in real life.Today’s story is about the one Called Sudden Impact,a 1983 crime thriller and the fourth film in the Dirty Harry series,telling a story about revenge.But what I want to say is not about the story itself,but about a line said by Harry,the leading role in Sudden Impact.While the bad guy grabbed a waitress as a hostage,Harry points his 44 Magnum handgun at him from five feet away and utters the immortal line penned by Joseph C.Sinston:”Go ahead,make my day.”I can’t exactly tell why I love this line so much,but I feel it clearly that I like it not because it is a classic but because the atmosphere,the actor,and every element that is right at that moment.Think about this,a tough guy,a hero,who never gives up even if he’s been threaten,he won’t be regret about what he has done and in front of his 。


急求3分钟左右的3人英文电影对白。 变形金刚嘛 爱情对白:Love is like a butterfly.It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里.

急求著名的英语的电影或戏剧独白台词,3分钟左右,比赛用,要著名的! 闻香识女人-快结尾在一个常春藤高中的礼堂的演讲,ALPACINO的绝对赞,WHOA

求适合影视表演考试的台词,只要寓言和独白,2-3分钟左右。 你是男孩还是女孩呢?选材一定要好,但是不能太大众。到时候一考场,都是《狐狸和乌鸦》,估计你也傻了。还有一点是,精了什么都好说了,看你是怎么去练。女孩子《猴王吃。


