你在找什么呢的英语怎么翻译 一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗?


英语翻译 1.What can I do for you?Can I help you?What's up?2.Which bussiness do you want to handle?3.There are too many people here now.Please wait in the rest room over here.4.There are too many people here who are handling bussiness,/There are too many people here who come to buy the bus/train ticket.When the people get less,I wil tell you.At than time,you can come here.

你在找什么呢的英语怎么翻译 一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗?

你在找我吗?英文怎么写? 你在找我吗?英文是:Are you looking for me?句子用了现在进行时态,表示寻找的过程。详细解释:look for 英[luk f?:]美[l?k f?r][词典]寻找(某人或某物);口>;找(麻烦);找(苦头)吃;希望得到;[例句]You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and secure你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。me 英[mi]美[mi]pron.(人称代词I的宾格)我;n.自我;自我的一部分;极端自私的人;[音乐]固定唱法时的E音;[例句]I had to make important decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life.我不得不作出将影响我后半生的重大决定。

你在找什么呢的英语怎么翻译 一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗?

翻译英文:你在找什么? what are you looking for?

你在找什么呢的英语怎么翻译 一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗?

\ are you finding something?

一般怎么用地道的英语说:你找我有什么事情吗? what do you want me for?美国外教老跟我说的 英国的不知道.还可以说what do you want me to do for you?

“你住在哪里? “用英语怎么说?“ 你家有什么人?“ 用英语怎么说? 你住在哪里:Where do you live?你家有什么人:What about your family?迈克想要找一个法国笔友:Mike wants to find a French pen friends.我想找一个笔友:I want to find a pen friend.最后一个具体是问哪个,追加问

请问你找哪位用每个英文怎么说? 1、请问你找2113哪位”用英文可以有以下几种5261说法:4102(1)1653May I help you?(2)what can I do for you?(3)Can I ask who is calling,please?(4)Who’s calling,please?(5)Who would you like to speak to?(6)Excuse me,who are you looking for?(7)Who are you trying to reach?(8)Excuse me,who is this?2、说明(1)May I help you?和what can I do for you?这两种说法,字面上意思都是“有什么需要帮忙的吗?虽不是“你找谁”的意思,但在英语习惯中,服务人员对顾客的需求进行询问时,大都使用此语。(2)Who would you like to speak to?此句前面一般还有一句礼貌性的问句:May I know who is calling please?之后问你找哪位 Who would you like to speak to?

请问“你是哪国人”用英语怎么翻译,比如在网上与一个外国人交流想知道他是哪国人? 想用英文表达“你2113是哪国人?5261可以说\"Where are you from?如果想委婉点的4102可以说成\"Could you please tell me where you are from?例句:①Hello.Nice to meet you.Where are you from?你好!很高兴认识1653你。你从哪里来?②Miss Wu,where are you from?You look like a southerner.吴小姐,你是哪里人?你看起来像是南方人。③John this is Loy Chung.Where are you from Loy?约翰,这位是劳埃陈。劳埃,你来自哪里?④Where are you from?I'm from China.I'm Chinese.你从哪里来?我来自中国。我是中国人。⑤By the way,where are you from?顺便问一句,你是哪里人?扩展资料同义表达:Where do you come from?相关短语:①Come from 来自;出生于;出生;来自于②different from 不同于;两回事;不同;一位与众不同的学生aside from 除;除┄之外;以外;此外③deviate from 背离;偏离;不按…办;背叛④imported from 导入自⑤result from 由于;起因于;是…造成的;因⑥refrain from 忍住;抑制;制止;避免⑦hear from 收到某人来信;收到;收到来信;接到的信


英语翻译“当你要找个人聊天的时候,却发现一个也没有!”用英语怎么翻译? 1\"When you're looking for personal chatting,but found none。2\"confidant hard to find,Where Are You?3\"aloof,but also a way to make yourself happy.

