根据汉语完成句子 1,I gained pounds2,each other3,my opions is similar with hers4,wash out5,throw something at我胖了两磅 翻译I___ ___two ___ 英国人:I had gained two pounds.美国人:I had put on two pounds.“我胖了两磅”英语翻译 翻译I gained two pounds两个1/4磅茶叶用英语怎么表演达 two one quarter pound teas.正常来说茶叶是不可数名词,所以不加s.但是这里没有说茶叶是一包不审一盒,所以就直接加s来表示“两个1/4”的复数了.类似的用法像beer啤酒一样,one beer,two beers.英语中than的全部用法 than的用法:1、用于2113形容词、副词的比较级之后5261,比;与…比较:4102She is taller than me.她比我高。Thomas arrived earlier than the others.托马斯比其他1653人早到。She speaks than she did last term.她讲英语比上学期要多。It's colder in Beijing than in London in winter.在冬天,北京要比伦敦冷。The students in Class 2 are active than those in Class 1.二班的学生要比一班活跃。2、用于 anywhere,different,else,other,otherwise 等之后,除…(外):She has no other friend than Jane.除简外她没有朋友。It was none other than the professor.不是别人,正是教授本人。The student is otherwise than his teacher thought.那个学生并不是老师想像的那种人。You won't find such freedom anywhere than in our country.这种自由除我们国家以外其他地方找不到。3、用于 barely,hardly,scarcely之后,表示时间]一…就…:Scarcely had I seen him than he spoke to me.我刚看见他,他就跟我说起话来。They barely arrived than it was time to leave.他们刚到就该离开了。4、用于 rather,sooner等之后,。
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