我们需要帮助老人院里的老人用英语怎么说 我想帮助老年人英语


我想帮助老人的英语的同义句? I have the will to help the old people.我有意愿去帮助老人。

我们需要帮助老人院里的老人用英语怎么说 我想帮助老年人英语

我想帮助这位老人(英语怎么说) I want to help the old man

我们需要帮助老人院里的老人用英语怎么说 我想帮助老年人英语

英语翻译 It has become a and series problem that how to help the old learn to use cellphones.

我们需要帮助老人院里的老人用英语怎么说 我想帮助老年人英语

英语翻译 How can we have the heart to keep the aged standing?如果做海报,可以在图上画着老人站在公交车上或是什么地方,没有人给他让座,然后配上标语“How can we have the heart to keep the aged standing?意思是:我们怎么忍心让老年人站在那里?用反问语气较好,引起人们的反思.这是个人观点.如果觉得长,可以写成:don't keep the aged standing。但语气较强硬.

英语作文我想成为一名志愿者去帮助老人 To recruit community volunteers take care of the elderly summer,I was very excited after hearing.Old people,poor health,care needs of young people.They were young,did contribute to society,and therefore it is our responsibility to care for them.I would like to use the holiday to do some good things for the community,so I hope you will give me this opportunity.If I became a volunteer,I will carefully take care of these elderly people,persevere.

他们想帮助这位老人英语单词怎么写 They want to help the old man.

英语翻译 I wanted to go to the elderly at home to help them.I will be a listener,I listen to their stories,I would be the one who read newspapers,they listen to the outside world.I like playing,I can play many song for them.To help them in their daily life trivia,such as buying food clothes

英语翻译 1.那些喜欢竞争而比别人更为成功的人就被尊为“胜利者”Those who like competition and successful than the others are called winners.2.任何不孝顺父母,对老人不尊重的人会收到全社会的谴责Anyone who doesn't do good to their parents or respect the old will be criticized by the society.3.我想知道你能否帮助我儿子完成他的家庭作业I wonder if you can help my son finish his homework4.你介意借我些零钱吗?对不起,我钱包丢了.Mind you lending me some changes?Sorry,my wallet is lost5.你知道如何使用字处理系统吗?Do you know how to use the words system?6当你阅读的时候遇到一个新的单词不要总是查字典.Don't always look up the dictionary when you meet a new word in reading7,我非常擅长修电脑I am very good at repairing the computer8.你会开车吗?Can you drive a car?


