英语新同学相处有问题吗 求你和新同学相处得很好吧?的英语句子


英语作文(新同学应该曾怎样与同学相处 In my opinion,we should always take part in some activities with our classmates.And when our classmates in troubles,we shoud try our best as possibie as we can to help them.If we usually do this,we can develop our friendship.usually chat with your classmates after class.This is also very importmant.That is all.在我看来,我们应2113该5261多跟同学们一起参加一些活动4102.还有当同学们有困难的时候我1653们应该尽我们最大能力去帮助他们.如果我们经常这样,我们就可以跟同学们保持友谊.课后经常跟同学们聊天,这也非常重要.“我发现要与新同学相处得好是比较困难的”这句翻译成英语怎么说?急用!!! I find it quite difficult to get on well with the new classmates。i find it comparatively hard to get on well with new classmates I find it rather difficult to 。我真的希望能和新同学相处的很好的英语怎么写 i'm glade to come to this new school,i hope we could get along with each other friendly and help each other求你和新同学相处得很好吧?的英语句子 Are you get along well with your new friends急求 如何和新同学相处,需要你提建议! 英语作文100词左右。 How to Be Liked and Respected by Your ClassmatesHelp out your fellow classmates,whether it's helping them with the assignment or just picking up a pen they may have dropped.This will definitely infl.英语作文 插班生怎么跟新同学相处,一时无法融入集体,跟他写信建议 作为一个插班生,应该积极跟同学交流,相处,这样才能使自己的学习与生活更有意思与乐趣.首先,应积极参加班级的活动,在活动中与同学交流感情.其次,在学习上,多与同学交流问题,帮助同学解答问题,这也是积极相处的一种方.他发觉和新同学相处有点难英语 他发觉和新同学相处有点难He found it a bit difficult and new classmates他发觉和新同学相处有点难He found it a bit difficult and new classmates急求 如何和新同学相处,需要你提建议!英语作文100左右! In my opinion,we should always take part in some activities with our classmates.And when our classmates in troubles,we shoud try our best as possibie as we can to help them.If we usually do this,we can develop our friendship.usually chat with your classmates after class.This is also very importmant.That is all.在我看来,我们应该多跟同学们一起参加一些活动.还有当同学们有困难的时候我们应该尽我们最大能力去帮助他们.如果我们经常这样,我们就可以跟同学们保持友谊.课后经常跟同学们聊天,这也非常重要.


