接力棒用英文怎么说 接力棒的英语怎么写


接力赛第一棒 英语怎么说 the first runner in a relay-race

接力棒用英文怎么说 接力棒的英语怎么写

加油稿说小小接力棒 一棒传一棒 然后怎么写 小小接力棒,一棒传一棒,棒棒是友谊,友谊传四方。

接力棒用英文怎么说 接力棒的英语怎么写

接力棒用英文怎么说 The baton

接力棒用英文怎么说 接力棒的英语怎么写

接力棒用英文怎么说 Take the baton

接过接力棒 英语怎么说 Take the baton

英语翻译 1.因为接力棒掉了,他就不继续跑了.He(stopped)(running)because he dropped the stick.2.当你出去的时候,不要忘记关灯.Don’t(forget)(to)(turn)(off)(the)(light)when you go out.3.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的.It’s(not)(polite)to laugh at others.4.你应该每天出去散步.You should(take)(a)(walk)(every)(day).5.现在休息一下是个好主意.It’s(a)(good)(idea)(to)(take)(a)(rest)now.

接过接力棒 英语怎么说

接力棒的英语翻译 接力棒用英语怎么说 接力棒jiēlìbàng[relay baton]接力赛跑时传递的短棒

当他把接力棒穿给他的同学时棒掉在了地上用英语怎摸说 passingto

英语翻译 Time is very short today,it is passing stealthily under the own feet,.Today is the baton of yesterday and tomorrow,only is The baton handed over well,it can move towards brilliant tomorrow.So,facing today,we do not too much cherish the memory of past,down-to-earth and from head to boot we will manage today well,we can have one by one real yesterday,something today should be done today,not yesterday,if today we always stand to look over tomorrow,tomorrow will pass stealthily,something today should be done today,not tomorrow.


