

请问挑战自己用英语怎么说? Challenge themselvesI have no alternative but to set up their own business,always working for others,though not worry,earning very little.I have gained some experience,I intend to go it alone on his own and see if I have a boss is not the quality The challenge for myself。求关于挑战自我的英语短文 Version A:Challenge Yourself in Your LifeChallenge yourself in your life.If having the courage of daring to challenging yourself,a person can do everything in the world.In America,a painting,where a boxer was tied lying,has been published on a magazine.And the title,you are the hardest defeated opponent>;>;,is worth affording to thought.Once having a confidence,a person will be in the possess of the volition.Actually,among the different people,the difference between success and failure lie in the vollition difference.Therefore,once in the possess of the volition,you will defeat various drawbacks on your own.When requiring courage,you will defeat your recreancy.When requring diligence,you will defeat your laziness.When requiring probity,you will defeat your selfidh desire.When requiring modesty,you will defeat your pride.When requiring quiet,you will defeat your ficklenness.In your life,the biggest challenge is to challenge yourself,for other enemies are easily 。关于挑战自我的英语作文 你好~应你的要求给的作文~when my teacher told me to prepare for this competition i restated,hesitated.everybody in my class knows that.i never learned in myprimary school.i c.挑战自我用英语怎么表达? self-challenge我想挑战自己,并战胜自己。 用英语怎么说 I want to challenge and finally conquer myself。就用一个myself,免得显得多余.你挑战自己,最终想的也是战胜自己嘛.不要画蛇添足.呵呵挑战自我,用英语怎么说? challege youself“挑战自我,超越自我”用英文怎么说 Challenge myself,exceed myself.请问挑战自己用英语怎么说?谢谢 Challenge themselvesI have no alternative but to set up their own business,always working for others,though not worry,earning very little.I have gained some experience,I intend to go it alone on his own and see if I have a boss is not the quality The challenge for myself。


