英语翻译 但是这是为了我们好的英文



英语翻译 但是这是为了我们好的英文

为了我们将来更好的合作关系英语怎么说 for our further coopperation in the future

英语翻译 但是这是为了我们好的英文

既然我们要学习英语,那为什么又要学习汉语,如果我们为了更好的与世界接轨学英语必不可缺,那为什么要学 汉语是我们民族自己的语言,我们不仅要会说,还要从中了解文化,深入了解。当然,也为今后想要更加深入研究学习打基础。语文是基础学科,就像数学,可能在今后的生活中用不到很多,但是还是要学,培养的是逻辑思维能力,同时也为今后深入学习奠定基础。不知道你还记不记得都德的《最后一课》,语言对于一个民族而言,不只是交际的工具。

英语翻译 但是这是为了我们好的英文

英语翻译 翻译:In order to give others a better picture of this product,we have set up a discussion team.But we do not have many members at the early stage.It is because of our love for this product that we gather together and strive for making it better.Our hope is to have and people to love,understand and know its existance.We sincerely hope it can become better and better while gradually winning your support and encourgement.Your support is the biggest wealth of us and we will do our best.Did you receive my message?

他喜欢打人,但我们知道是为了我们好。 英文翻译 He likes hitting people,but we know he is kind to,us.

为了使你能更好的了解我们公司的产品,英语翻译 In order to know our company's products better,.

“因为我们都是为了学生好”用英语怎么说 Because we are all for the sake of the students.因为我们都是为了学生好

英语翻译 These rules are annoying,but remember,the rules our parents have made are good for us,and we have to follow.

英语翻译 1 I know that adults should make good dicisions but sometimes we make mistakes too.2 How do they improve?你的中文就有问题.我的英文没问题3 The camping site is very far from here so we suggest him leave early.4 She knew that he came back because she stayed up late last night.中文又有问题5 He double checks the test in order to make sure that all the answers are correct.


