慰问信英语 用英语写一封慰问信


慰问信,英文作文 Dear David,I'm sorry to hear that you fail in the final exam.Well,please calm down and don't be upset anymore.I have some good ideas that may help.First,why not review the books carefully?It is very i.

慰问信英语 用英语写一封慰问信

英文慰问信写作 慰问信是表示向对方(一般是同级、或上级对下级单位、个人)关怀、慰问的信函。它是有关机关或者个人,以组织或个人的名义在他人处于特殊的情况下(如战争、自然灾害、事故),。

慰问信英语 用英语写一封慰问信


慰问信英语 用英语写一封慰问信

求英文慰问信~~急。。 Dear Xiaolin,I'm so sorry to hear that there was a flood burst in your hometown.And thank god that there is no casualties found.I hope you and your families are OK.I don't know the loss of your family,but I could provide you with anything I have to help you come through this disaster.Please be optimistic,because soon our government will help you rebuild your home and make your lives normal as before.Please bring my greetings to your families.I'm very glad to hear from you soon.Yours,Sincerely,Xiaoming

用英语写一封慰问信 Dear 某某,I've heard that you get badly hurt in the traffic accident,I fell sorry about that,how do you fell right now Do you feel better now I wish you can get right soon,best wishes foe you。Yours,你的名字

英语慰问信怎么写才好 MIKe听说Bob因病住院了,他认为Bob应该查出病因。他希望Bob看到他信时已经好多了,并祝他很快痊愈。以MIKe的名义给BOb写封慰问信Dear Bob,I am very sorry to hear that you are in hospital.I think you must be very sad to stay in hospital.However,it is good for you to find out the cause of the disease.Therefore,please be patient and cooperate with doctor.I hope you can feel better when you read my letter.I will go to visit you in person when I am free.Wish you get better soon.Mike

英语作文慰问信 Dear Bob:I am sorry to hear that you have been sick.In our daily lives,you have given us too much love and care sometimes regardless of your self.It is because of your hard work pay,we can continuously to make progress.Each class classmate all expecting you to recover as soon as possible.While you were away,we all miss you very much.For us you are than a teacher.We all love you,hoping you can recover soon.Best wishes。Yours;Li Hua

如何写英文慰问信 英文慰问信慰问信(Notes of Sympathy on Illness,Injury and Material loss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信表示慰问。慰问信要写的真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。1.慰问病人(To Those Who Are Ill)June 6,2005Dear Mrs.Corbin,I w转载自百分网http://www.oh100.com,请保留此标记as so sorry to learn of your illness.You must hurry and get well。Everybody in the neighborhood misses you,and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon.Mr.Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.Sincerely yours,本文由百分网提供,原文地址:http://www.oh100.com/a/201207/117637.html转载请注明出处,谢谢!

求英文慰问信~ Dear Xiaolin,I'm so sorry to hear that there was a flood burst in your hometown.And thank god that there is no casualties found.I hope you and your families are OK.I don't know the loss of your family,but I could provide you with anything I have to help you come through this disaster.Pleasebe optimistic,because soon our government will help you rebuild your home and make your lives normal as before.Please bring my greetings to your families.I'm very glad to hear from you soon.Yours,Sincerely,Xiaoming



