帮我把两段中文翻译成英文。 Therefore,urging teenagers to study hard and become a useful person is an obligation that should not be eased.Some people may think that too much of the pressure upon teenagers in their study will deprive them of childhood pleasure.They could have chosen their favorite activities without the pressure.However,they have actually lost the happy-go-lucky childhood they should have owned,as a result of too strict restriction imposed by some schools and parents on their spare time and interest.Hence,in this aspect,rational guidance and arrangement on their study turn out to be particularly important.In a word,the advocacy that teenagers should be initiative and positive in study is substantially beneficial both to their promise and to the prospective future of the society.【向雷锋同志学习!把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中!-你应该让他们做自己感兴趣的事- Maybe you should not give children too much pressure,you may have so you caneasilyYou should let them do what they are interested in英语翻译 A moves upward in reference to B,so A has an upward pressure on B给自己施加这么大的压力英语翻译四词 给自己施加这么大的压力的英文翻译给自己施加这么大的压力Put so much pressure on yourself重点词汇施加exert;impose;bring to bear on;bring to bear;infliction这么so;such;this;this way;like this压力pressure;compressive stress;tension对某人施加压力英文怎么写 对某人施加压力以图获得某事物Try to obtain sth from sb by putting pressure on himwww.dictall.com2得到你想要的并且对某人施加心理压力的最好方法就是跟他们冷战。The best technique to get what you want and exert mental pressure on somebody isto give them the silent treatment.
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