这些英语怎么写啊 write to sb.love and hatetell sb.about sth.He comes from a big family which has 7 people.Can you talk about this drawing?Please speak in Chinese.I told him my address.My grandpa often tells stories t.英语翻译 for you happiness,i can give up everything including you.for the sake of your happiness,there's nothing i can't give up,including youi used to own it,but without realization,i lost it.i used to have it,but somehow,i lost it.in fact,you endow a person with the right to hurt you once you love him.actually,when you love someone,you've given him the right to hurt you.youth may be wasted,but not for a lover.it's a life time's regret/influence/difference if the right one is missedyouth can be but neglected but not people.it's a matter of a whole life if some persons are missed.“你究竟拥有他的多少”翻译成英文是什么,急 亲,你好,很高兴为你解答。翻译如下:How much do you own him heart.希望对你有帮助,望采纳。?“请问有什么事”用英文怎么说? what is up?who is that?什么事,你谁啊.我羡慕他,我羡慕他拥有了你英语怎么说 I envy him,I envy him for he has you.如果你想要得到它,那么你就去做。这句话用英语怎么说? If ur gonna get it,then do it。
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