我正写信给你们英语 英语翻译


英语翻译 [我是英文老师,请放心使用]Don't you say you will write me a letter?Why can I receive anything?How are you doing lately?Can you get used to the livinig over there?Oh ya,remember to buy me some local so.

我正写信给你们英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 I am Chen Li.Today,I wrote to you is to tell one thing.Taiwan on September 29 you to the next 103 orders The goods have been received.However,we found a box of goods is not determined by our goods.Most of this cargo Christmas ceremony goods and toys,I hope that you will investigate this matter as soon as possible.and as soon as possible to replace the wrong goods.I hope you will soon return.This is the wrong boxes of goods inventories.Please tell us the how to dispose of boxes of goods.

我正写信给你们英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 本来早就想帮你翻的,可是有一句\"很期盼在不久的将来能与你再次碰见\"用在正式的商务信件或者任何信件里都很奇怪的,就放弃了.:)如果要我写,我只好把这句不翻,写一下:Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.XXX,It was a great pleasure mee.

我正写信给你们英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 It has been a long time since I have written to you all


