看图让狮子和小老鼠说说话 一个炎热的下午,狮子在窝里睡觉,一只老鼠从它的鼻子上跑过,把它惊醒了。狮子大吼一声,用它巨大的爪子把老鼠压死,老鼠喊道:“啊,饶了我吧,先生,我实在不值得被您杀。
求:英语小故事狮子与老鼠的全文及译文 A Lion and a MouseOne fine day in spring,a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun.Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually lion`s mane.The lion awoke from his nap and shouted,\"What a luck。I am hungry and a mouse is in front of me。I should eat you。Please,lion。Do not eat me.If you just let me go,I wouldn`t forget this。What?Will you repay me?The lion laughed at the mouse.But as he pitied the mouse,he set the mouse free.After several days,the lion was caught in a hunter`s net.\"I will be dead.\"He sobbed.Lion。Do not cry.I will help you。The mouse cut the net with his sharp teeth.When the lion was set free,he shed tears and said,\"Thank you,mouse.I am sorry I sneered at you.The lion and the mouse became good friends.译文:狮子和老鼠春天的一个好日子,一只老鼠跑到草地上享受阳光。令人惊讶的是它所认为的草地实际上是狮子的毛发。狮子从睡梦中醒来,大叫道:“多幸运啊!我饿了而一直老鼠站在我面前!我要吃掉你!“等等,狮子。不要吃我。如果你让我走,我不会忘记你的恩德!。
是一部日本的动画片影视主要讲的是小老鼠还一个小孩的故事里面有还有狮子和长 小花仙?
幼儿园中班语言聪明的老鼠怎么按故事结构排图讲述 一、活动目标 1.观察角色的动态、表情,根据图片间的关联排列顺序,并陈述理由。2.鼓励幼儿大胆运用动态词并能清楚连贯地表达自己的意思。二、活动准备1.。
一个狮子给两只老鼠讲故事的动画片叫故事什么什么? 是叫狮子2113王 不过是TV版动画的那种 以前在5261大风车放的狮子叫辛巴 鹿叫宾波 里面还有两4102只小老1653鼠 一直胖的一只瘦的反派是老虎 老虎手下是一只豺狼还有蟒蛇 熊啊什么的辛巴胸前被印了七颗星星图案 宾波胸前是七片叶子的图案只记得这么多了不过确实是叫《狮子王》