英语翻译 周未我喜欢独自打发时间的英文


英语翻译许多人喜欢在周末时打发时间。 用带spend time的句子 也许是 many persens like to spend time on weekend

英语翻译 周未我喜欢独自打发时间的英文


英语翻译 周未我喜欢独自打发时间的英文

打发时间的英文 打发时间count one's thumbgoofkill timepass time

英语翻译 周未我喜欢独自打发时间的英文

大家周末怎么打发时间 学习~

今年圣诞你要一个人过了、多少会感到寂寞吧这类节日里 一个人真的不好过、我感到寂寞的时候都会买些啤酒和零食、看几部老电影打发时间. Seems like you gotta spend this Christmas on your own,must be kinda lonely,huh?It never feels good to be alone in holidays like such.When I feel lonely,I always pass the time by watching some old movies with beers and snacks.You may do that too.;PYou British people love sending Christmas cards,don't you?That's why I decided to send you one this year.My handwriting sucks a little,hope you'll still be able to read it.:POh,I've got you a Christmas present as well,but the postal service here is not that perfect.So I'll let my mum bring it to you when she gets back to the UK.I think you're gonna love this little trinket.Merry Christmas&Happy Year。ps.不好意思,我之前一直没上'知道',到现在才看到你的提问,也许你已经把卡寄出去了,真是不好意思.pps.其实我不知道这算不算英式英语,我并不是专业的:P

我喜欢独自消磨时间怎么翻译 I like passing the time alone.


