吃饭用英语怎么说? 该吃饭了的英语怎么说


首先,在英美国家\"你吃饭了吗?不是一句问候语.千万不要见人就问\"你吃饭了吗?.如果出于澄清的需要,你不得不问,那么你一定要问明”早中晚”饭.这时你可以用下列方法提问:John:Did you have your breakfast(lunch,dinner)yet?Jane:Yes I did.John:Great.Let's go now to the park now.John:Did you have your breakfast(lunch,dinner)yet?Jane:No.I'm sorry.I got up too late.John:No problem.Let's stop at McDonald first.Then we will go to the park.吃饭了吗英语怎么说 吃饭了吗?翻译e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb931333337396265:Do you have a meal?双语例句:昨天他请你吃饭了吗?Did he entertain you to dinner yesterday?嘿,你吃饭了吗?想一起去吃吗?Hey,have you eaten yet?Do you want to go together?因为在餐馆一次郁闷的经历,你就再也不出去吃饭了吗?Do you stop eating out because you had a bad experience at a restaurant?短语嗨吃饭了吗 Hey you eaten;hey did you eat;Hi to eat it你们吃饭了吗 You eat;Did eat you晚上吃饭了吗 At night to eat it;At night you eaten;eat at night你吃饭了吗 si buda jeke nio;You eat it;Did you eat;Do you eat大家都吃饭了吗 We all do dinner;We have to eat it;We all have dinner together你早上吃饭了吗 Do you eat the morning;Did you eat your morning你吃饭去了吗 You have to go to eat;Do you go to eat你中午吃饭了吗 Did you noon meal;Do you eat at noon;At noon you eat朋友你吃饭了吗 Did you eat friends;As you eat your friends;Friends do you eat吃饭用英语怎么说? 1、have a meal【释义2113】5261吃饭【例句】Come and have a meal with us tonight今晚来和我们一4102起吃饭吧。2、dining【读音】英[da?n??]美['da?n??]【释义】n.吃饭,进餐;v.吃饭(dine的现在分1653词)【例句】On the day they visited him,Professor Huggins was dining.警方拜访哈金斯教授的那天,他正在进餐。扩展资料“吃饭”相关英文短语:1、出去吃饭 eat out;go out to dinners;Eating Out;go out for dinner2、坐下吃饭 sit down to table;sit at table3、吃饭财政 payroll finance4、在吃饭 at table;at meals;at dinner;The meal5、吃饭时 at table;at the table你吃饭了吗用英语怎么说 英语是:Have you eaten yet?句子解释:eaten 英[?i:tn]美[?itn]v.吃,喝,吃饭(eat的过去分词);(食物)吃起来感到;咬;(人)感到苦恼(或烦恼);[例句]This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.这棵树被虫子蛀空了。yet 英[jet]美[j?t]adv.还;但是;已经;又,再;conj.然而,但是;[例句]They haven't finished yet他们还没有完成。\"你吃饭了吗?的英2113语是:Have you eaten?你吃饭了5261吗?用英语表达还可以是:1、have you had meals?41022、Did you eat?3、Is this your meal?4、Did you have your meal?5、Do you have a meal?“Have you eaten?这句话1653中“have 有”表示:你有.的意思;“eaten”是吃饭(eat的过去分词),表示吃过的意思。结合起来是“你有吃过饭吗?也就是“你吃过饭了吗?的意思。扩展资料如果跟外国人交流时,冒几句中式思维的英语,肯定会闹出不少的笑话。有些英语表达,还跟你想要表达的意思相差甚远。还可能会带来麻烦、造成误解,以至于别人觉得你不礼貌。我们习惯的把“已经”带到英语里,英文表达“已经”一般直接用过去时,不会都用完成时或每句都加“already”:例句:Have you eaten?你吃饭了吗?I ate。我吃过了

