sd卡提示已损坏点击格式化后跳出一串英文,提示已移除手机里找不到了,重开机又提示sd卡异常建议格式化 我的建议只是希望不损坏 英语


翻译成中文,急!我明天要见一个外国客户,但英文很差,又不想做哑巴,所以请各位帮帮翻译一下。谢谢啦! When did you come to China?How many days will you stay in China?Will you stay in China for the Mid-Autumn Festival?The Mid-Autumn symbolizes reunion,we attach great importance to this day,the evening will be a family together while eating moon cakes side of the full moon.Very happy。The diversification of the moon cakes has in line with the tastes of the young people.What's your favorite vegetables?Do you like to eat Korean or Japanese food?I was afraid mustard,and I'm not afraid now,but I like to eat western food.We have prepared for you a hotel room,you could be there tonight to have a rest.On the electricalquestion,we can answer you at any time you want to know.First of all,we can control the electrical sparks and noise very well,such as the ruin of vacuum cleaner motor,how to check for carbon brush or electric coil?First,we can check whether there is the wear of carbon brush,if we find that the proposed carbon brush wear,we suggest to replace the brushless power 。

给我起一个英文名 陈姓,雨西的英文名:Hugo 雨果 释义:理性;智力;灵魂。

我的T7272卡刷安卓系统,一直出现英文不停止是什么原因? 炒作系统 亲.造成这个原因有很多的.具体您要看下英文上面的代码.刷安卓就跟您的电脑安装系统是一个原理的.1.安装包不完整2.硬件冲突3.安装包不兼容4.病毒引起的引导错误5。.

