我也想提一下她 英语怎么说 帮忙翻译成英文,意思同即可


英语翻译 Finished three genuine hero,will have to mention related side hero.Both the play from the playing time or role,Xiren is preferred.As previously Jia the\"first servant\",she has a very high position in the book,and she in the novel in the role,on the one hand is to coordinate the relationship between Bao Yu and the elders,on the other hand is the management of all the servants of Bao Yu,in the daily life and she often plays the role of a good wife good mother role.Therefore,this is also destined to good life.In general,she is a good housekeeper,she effectively coordinate the relationship between Baoyu and others.If there is no good,I think the book will not so good.Read\"a dream of Red Mansions\",I really feel bad for Lin Daiyu and is not worth,the their miserable fate and regret.But in fact the character itself is not wrong,wrong in the traditional concept of the feudal.What marriages were arranged by the parents,what marriage should positionbirthday collocation,this thought is 。

我来给大家介绍一下她用英语怎么说 我来给大家介绍一下她的英文翻译 我来给大家介绍一下她 Let me introduce her to you. 重点词汇 大家everybody;all;great master;authority 介绍introduce;。

英语翻译 Thank you for your letter,you meet a problem I also met,so don't but heart,when you feel the teacher said too fast,I see meaning you and he mention,for back not the words,I want to must see magazines,and,occasionally,and friends is also necessary to practise the dialogue about grammar,I think you can ask your teacher,I hope I can help you,don't lose heart,come on。

有没有人提一下意见,我是初三的学生,想定一份英文杂志,提高英语水平。 1.如果你想实现与你们考试的要点同步,你可以选择English Weekly2.如果你想学习一些潮流英语,更侧重娱乐方面的还有社会问题的话,可以选择21century3.例外根据你的英语掌握情况你可以选择性阅读Crazy Englist teens版,然后再选难一点的Crazy 阅读版,另外crazy English的有声版还不错,我读高中的时候有经常买4.另外像是心灵鸡汤的英文版也不错总的来说,我觉得你选择1和2在现阶段比较靠谱,因为是结合课本知识要点同步的,其他只能说是课外读物,增加词汇和了解一些信息用。

“一下是我给你提的几点建议”这句话用英语怎么说? 你可以去查。上面那位大哥说的也很对!

我是一个高三学生,我想在三个月内提一下英语,本人英语水平在60分!想提一下分数!怎样学习呢?才会有效 一模之前:只做一件事—把所有单词背一遍,3500—4000足够;一模到高考:每天复习单词+背作文;注意:不要通篇背,只背经典句型,万能句式,以及高级词汇、短语及关键连词等。千万不要贪多,这时候了你的程度做阅读、完型什么的没意义,因为一句话没几个单词认识,谈不上提高阅读技巧,就把基础的词汇尽量多记,到了一模以后再适当做些阅读,找找感觉,那时你会发现比现在做舒服得多,也会有成就感,能增强自信心。还有,英语是慢功夫,靠的是积累,所以这个时候了一定不要找家教或是在外面的培训机构上课,因为你连单词都不认识,听什么都没用,对你没有效果,就自己把基础恶补上来,没别的办法,它不像理科!这个方法只能保证你高考达到80~90分左右,不会太高,但一定可以比现在高!这是我亲身经历!我当年就是这个时候还五六十分呢,然后就是这样做的,最后高考得了95分,但是你一定要保证每天不背完单词绝不睡觉,一定要有这种毅力,坚持下来一定可以成功!没几天了,不管多苦,一定要坚持下来!加油!祝你好运!

寒假想把英语再提一下,急需好点的课外班啊 黄浦的最好,新王牌的英语姜Z老师怎么样 你找黄浦新王牌啊?那你算是找对人了,呵呵。我孩子大同的,推荐你去姜Z老师班级上课吧,很多学生比如格致的、还有我们大同的,还有敬业,立达明珠的,都在这里面补课的。这里的老师都超厉害的!我是预初开始去新王牌补习的,它这里针对语数理英四门课。我报了三门数理英,自从在这里学习以来,我这三门课的成绩一直稳定在学校年级前十名,在班上一直遥遥领先。英语学的最好,这也多亏这边的姜Z老师,自从上了她的课后,孩子的英语就是我最值得骄傲的科目了。我觉得姜Z老师讲课堪称经典,课堂幽默风趣,讲课通俗易懂,课下和蔼可亲,回答问题总是那么的轻松,三下五除二就解决了,不是一点点的佩服!蛮惊讶新王牌从哪里找来的这几个重点中学的老师,蛮佩服他们的能力,也要谢谢他们能找到这样好的老师,不然去那种敷衍了事的老师那上课,完全就是浪费时间和精力!

请帮我写一篇高二的英语作文,内容是:向老师提一下建议,建议老师讲课速度慢点,多鼓励学生,少布置作业 Simple。You said I wanted to study hard。But because myself and the people around him causes own learning is not very smooth。(with wretchedness annoyance expression)I also knew the teacher you help me to change seat is a bit troublesome you。But this is compelling。I'm really want to learn。(the so of look in your play,expression,attitudes)is the most important brave knead。I hope you will soon transposition。

我来一一回答你的问题,英语怎么说 Let me answer your questions one by one


