英语翻译 this is national day,今天是国庆节,I am very glad,我很高兴,why?because school give us 7 day holiday,为什么,因为学校给我们放了7天假,this is very valuable,这是非常宝贵的,because in common day,we students only can study,study,study,without anytime to play,因为在平时,我们学生只能学习,没有时间去玩儿.How I can spend this 7 days 我如何度过这7天呢?first,I will go to eat KFC with my friends,首先,我会和我的朋友一起去吃肯德基,then,we will see films in advanced cinema,其次,我们会一起去看电影,在高档影院.at last,we will play gunfight game in internet bar,最后,我们会一起去网吧玩CS.oh,within a inch of we forget to eat a bowl of hand pulled noodle of beef in the moon.差点忘了,我们还会一起在晚上的月光下吃一碗牛肉拉面.你昨天在家干什么用英语说 What did you do at home yesterday?在家都干什么英语小作文我有汉译 Today is Sunday,I stayed at home alone.It was too boring.I lay in bed watching TV.Hey,it was playingXi Yangyang and Hui Tailang.I immediately sat and watched it.After that,I read a book called Charlotte's Net. It was very interesting,I quickly put my heart into it.When I finished reading it,my father and mother came back home.At this time,I knew it was dark。采纳哦我在家里做什么英语作文 Today is Friday,It is raining outside.My parents and I have to stay at home.My father is reading the newspaper.My mother is watching TV.I want to surf the Internet,but not to be allowed.It is reall.完成英语句子 1 i often prefer to stay at home.第二句不对 what will you often do on Sunday3 Is she having dinner.4 Lily don't want to go to the movie5 i have two pictures of my family.
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