英语翻译 1How's your math test?2What is your grade?3How about his physics?4He felt that this exam is very difficult/very little/just so so.5His math is good/fair/poor英语翻译 Not long ago,we have conducted the mid-term exam,results have come out.In my opinion,this time I was not very good achievement,especially in just pass.Thisquestion is very simple,Engl.英语翻译:我的英语不太好,但是我在努力学,希望我能够顺利的进行完这次考试。 I am not good at but I am working hard learning it.Hopefully,I could finish this exam successfully.英语翻译 Please believe me it was an accident that I do bad in this exam,so it doesn't prove I am not focus on my study or I am stpid further.前一句it形式主才能引从句,后面要用连接词,否定句两个并列句间用or,“.英语翻译:下周一我就要开始进行期中考试了 Hello Erin,I'll have my mid-term examination next Monday.I hope to have a high score,but my science is a little weak and the passive voice is kind of hard.The 。这次考试对我十分重要,希望你能理解英语翻译 This exam is very important to me,I hope you can understand望采纳,谢谢,不懂可以追问我?今天我很高兴,因为你们这次考试考的非常好,希望你们继续努力英语翻译 您好,翻译为:Today,I am very happy,because you are very good in this exam,I hope you continue to work hard.希望帮助你英语翻译:虽然这次期中考试考得很差,但我。 although i didn't do it well in the mid-term exam,i will make effore to study and try my best to get better resurt in the final exam帮我用英语翻译一下这篇文章,急!!! exams were over,my achievement is not very ideal,mostly because of a careless.As the thirdquestion,the first five passages writtenquestion is behind the questions I have written statemen.
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