招生工作,什么时候可以告一段落 这个,不同的地区是不同的,像浙江的话,今年都要到八月底才结束。
工作告一段落了 用什么词语来庆祝呢?谁有水平高点的庆祝话语?如释重负Just go to enjor yourself!
忙忙碌碌的一年过去了,我们的大一生活很快就会告一段落.依稀的记得晨曦,我们伴着鸟语花香漫步在校园的小路上,开始准备我们一天的工作. Our youth,our dreamBusy in the past year,we life as a freshman will soon be over.Morning,we remember vaguely with charactizing a stroll in the campus road,began to prepare our day's work.Enter university life is novel,here is our youth,our dreams.Our elegant ge is the most contains the mo xiang,here we are the breath of searching for information we need,hope can have my dissertation a good start.As the saying goes:\"the morning is worth two in the evening,a day that we spring\"laborious performance.Looking at our class after class listening context and pictures of hard,she couldn't help again remind of the motherland in the future we are planners.Sport is our new generation