谁能分享一篇英语美文 如何用wps把一篇中文文章快速翻译成英文


请给我一篇英语小短文 给你三篇,你选一篇吧.The Old CatAn old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caug.

谁能提供一篇英语介绍HIT-HOP的文章? Hip hop music(also referred to as rap or rap music)is a style of popular music.It is made up of two main components:rapping(MCing)and DJing(audio mixing and scratching).Along with breakdancing and graffiti(tagging)these are the four elements of hip hop,a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth(mostly minorities such as African Americans and Latinos)in New York City in the early 1970s.Typically,hip hop music consists of one or rappers who tell semi-autobiographic tales,often relating to a fictionalized counterpart,in an intensely rhythmic lyrical form making abundant use of techniques like assonance,alliteration,and rhyme.The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track,usually referred to as a\"beat\",performed by a DJ,created by a producer,or one or instrumentalists.This beat is often created using a sample of the percussion break of another song,usually a funk,rock,or soul recording.In addition to the beat other sounds are often sampled,。

谁能提供一篇介绍法语的英语文章 评论┆举报最佳答案此答案由提问者自己选择,并不62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333231393535代表知道知识人的观点回答:☆风雨前的寂.学长4月7日 21:23 三月是乍暖还寒的月份,三月是新学期奋斗的起点,三月更是属于雷锋精神的三月。雷锋虽然已经离我们远去了几十个春夏秋冬,但是他的那种精神却伴随着我们走过了几十年。雷锋精神是奉献与艰苦奋斗的代名词,是人们所不懈追求的榜样,也是和谐社会最为重要的一部分。奉献是不记报酬的,奉献是快乐且高尚的,奉献也是我们做为社会人所必需的,随着我们国家经济实力的日益强盛,人民生活水平的提高,人们的思想好象更加个人主义了,处处是警剔与包裹。不知道人们的思想是被西方的个人主义所同化,还是我们自己的原因所致呢?在前些年的社会中,流行过“该不该学习雷锋精神”的讨论。有人说,在市场经济的大潮下,学习雷锋精神是多余的,是不会用市场经济的眼光来看问题,的做法,是违背市场规律的做法。总之,雷锋精神有百害而无一利。也有人说放弃雷锋精神就是放弃了本民族的伟大传统,雷锋精神是社会进步的“助推器”。雷锋精神使得我们的社会更为的和谐与温馨。所以,雷锋精神不可弃,而要花更大。


推荐一篇优美的英语文章 Mother&Child It was Christmas 1961.I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the great day of gifts giving。.

谁能分享一篇英语美文 如何用wps把一篇中文文章快速翻译成英文

一篇关于饮食爱好及一日三餐的英语文章 Today,I want to tell you about my favourite food.I like bread and milk best.I always eat bread and milk for my breakfast.I often have rice and meat for my lunch and supper.I usually eat an apple or a peach after supper.That is tasty。Sometimes,I do not eat lunch or supper.Because I think I am fat and I want to keep slim.But now I think it is not healthy.So I have lunch and supper as usual now.


