求一篇初二语文学习计划的作文,总结出初一的经验教训,就新学期的打算, 第一篇新学期计划新学期,新气象.在新的一学期里,我们都有新的计划和奋斗的目标.下面我想谈一谈在新学期里,我在语文、数学、英语三方面的学习计划.在语文方面,我会做到课前预习,认识本课生字生词,查找与课文相关.
初一下半学期英语作文. 1、My plan for the next weekRecently I have made a plan for the next week.Since my hige school career is coming in this autumn.So I have decided to attend some classes to help me get some knowledge of the courses taught in high school.Besides that,I also want to promote my level to a higher grade,so I've determined to get up at six o'clock every day and read for forty minutes.Except for study,I'm also planning to go swimming so as to make me stronger and healthier.2、My dream schoolAs a middle school student,I have a lot of nice dreams.My dream school is very big,bright and beautiful.In it there are a few playgrounds and lots of nice classrooms.In my dream school,We students won?ˉt wear school uniforms,we are allowed to wear different clothes we like to show our characters.We won?ˉt have lots of homework to do.The most important change is that we will use computers to study at school.Everyone will have a computer on the desk.No one will use books,pens and pencils。
目标作文600字_初中初一作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编整理的目标作文600字_。
初一学习计划200字 1、早读课按语文、英语老师要求读书,严禁早读课补做前一天未完成的作业.2、课前认真预习,上课注意听讲,课后认真复习,再高质量完成老师布置的作业,认真搞懂并订正第一次做错的作业.3、每天抽出两个小时把今天上的课程认真复习、巩固.具体要求是用较“零散”的时间复习当天上的政治、历史、地理、生物,较“完整”的时间复习语文、数学、英语.4,每周写两篇周记,两周写一篇作文,每天随手收集一些优美的句、段.5、英语要加强听、读、说、写的能力训练,学会总结归纳,每天听一篇短文,每天和同学交流几句常用语.6、各科单元结束后,学会列知识树状图,把第一次做错的题目进行分类归纳,找出错误原因并加以纠正.7、对所知识每周一总结,每月一归纳,每两月一排查,如此反复.给个满意 谢谢。
初一下学期英语作文 1、In my family.My mother go to her office by bus,my father go to work takes subway,my sister and I go to school by bike.Do you agree I have a very friendly family?2、It was quite hot summer vacation,so I will learn to swim with my sister in next week.Swimming is a great sport to exercise our body.I think I will love it.3、I hope my idea school very large,it should have four tall buildings,a big tennis court,a big playgrand and a park.I hope my idea school have friendly teachers and students.I hope my idea school exist in actual life.
下周的学习计划作文200字 应届毕业生求职网与同学们一同来看看学习计划作文在学校,我又有了新百的学习计划,我要做到以下几点:1 上课认度真听讲。2 积极完成各科作业。3 课堂上认真听讲,积极发言,有问题不懂就问。4 在有同学遇到困难时问,我去帮助他。5 热爱班集体,尊敬老师,帮助同学。6 有什么活动主动参加。7 每天坚持晨答,读一些英语、有意义的书,坚持每周写一篇作文,让自内己容的写作能力更好。8 爱护公物,多锻炼自己的身体,让自己的胆子大一些。改变自己挑食的习惯。
英语初一书面表达周末计划 weekend planAs there is going to be an test next Monday,I want to make a weekend plan for my friends and myself.On Saturday and Sunday mornings,I will review words,phrases and do an te.
你打算去哪度假 你打算和谁去 为什么要去那? Where are you going to on this holiday?Who do you want to go with?Why do you want to go there?