王若飞故居的介绍 王若飞故居是纪念和展示王若飞同志光辉事迹的专题性纪念馆。位于安顺市内若飞大道北道中段东侧。是我国老一辈无产阶级革命家王若飞出生和居住过的地方。故居始建于清代,王若飞曾祖父所建,1982年对外开放。故居临街,经过道进朝门入四合院,院内铺以方形石板,有石砌花坛、鱼池等,房屋为木结构小青瓦建筑,具有清代民居风格。现存部份家具实物及若飞青少年时期在日本、法国留学时进行革命活动资料,与毛泽东、周恩来等领导人一起工作时的照片、通讯手迹,重庆谈判时所穿衣物,遇难后党中央和中央领导的悼词,部份国民党要员、爱国将领、民主党派知名人士题词、挽联及有关王若飞的书籍,出版物等。
去王若飞故居《英语作文》 I like to watch American movie so much,because it not only has the excellent plot,but also presents the exciting scientific scene.Hollywood is famous all over the world,while Bollywood is always ignored.Bollywood is in India,it produces a lot of movies every year,less people know it came ahead of Hollywood.As the rise of the Indian movie,and people start to pay attention to Bollywood.They see the charm of Indian movie.The dance is the obvious feature,almost we can see the actors dance suddenly in the movie,they always dress their country’s garments.The movie always shows the situation of Indian,the poor people is large and how they stuggle to live.People there are religious and the conflicts always happen.People can learn the culture through this movie.