我是老司机用英语怎么说 人们用英语怎么说,高级点~不想老用individual 和people之类的~


第一题:他自愿当我们队的司机.二:做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异.三:我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友.四:他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象.不要有道翻译的。 1.He is willing to be our team's driver.2.We should pay attention to cultural differences when we do exports.3.We just met a friend who we haven't seen each other for years.4.His direct answer impress.

我是老司机用英语怎么说 人们用英语怎么说,高级点~不想老用individual 和people之类的~

英语翻译 All in all,it is very convenient of transportation and railway in our city.but there are also filled with traffic problems.some taxi drivers break the traffic rules and rush the traffic lights.moreover,some drivers stop their cars beside the both sides,thus causing the traffic jams and less parking lots.

我是老司机用英语怎么说 人们用英语怎么说,高级点~不想老用individual 和people之类的~


我是老司机用英语怎么说 人们用英语怎么说,高级点~不想老用individual 和people之类的~

以“我父亲是公交车司机”为题写一篇英语作文(不少于50词) 他,是一位平凡的公交车司机,但他的一言一行却让我非常感动.他,长的挺胖,圆圆的脸上镶嵌一对大而明亮的眼睛,穿着一件白衬衫,站在车旁招呼我们上车,望望他,他好像很疲倦.我和爸爸要去奶奶家,买了一条鱼,便上了他车.车开了,现在的他正全神贯注地盯着前方,但有时他也会和身旁的人聊会儿天.还没几分钟,奶奶家已经到了,我和爸爸便急忙下了车,车开走了,爸爸望了望手,才发现我们把鱼忘到车上没拿.我一想:唉,这回的鱼算是白买了,白白送给了那司机.我虽然这样想,但还是希望司机可以给我们送过来.爸爸急得指着自己的鼻子骂:“我怎么这么粗心呢,鱼丢了怎么办?我为什么不拿呢?说完就在原地转,我呢,就向车开走的那个方向望,“这条鱼是给奶奶补身体的,丢了你还得再买一条,你亏不亏呀,爸爸,你也太粗心了吧。要是那司机能送过来就好了…”“嘀—嘀—”一辆出租车停到我们身旁,司机下了车,一手提着鱼,一手摸着头上的汗,走过来笑眯眯地对爸爸说:“这是你的鱼吧。我车上人太多,好不容易送完了,就赶忙给你们送来了,你们没等急吧,没误你们的事吧?爸爸和我感动得一时不知说什么好.司机走时,我问了他一句:“如果换作其他的司机,早就把鱼拿走了,为什么您还要给我们送来呢?他笑着对我说:“做人就要。

人们用英语怎么说,高级点~不想老用individual 和people之类的~

英语翻译 Dear visitors and friends,you must have a tiring journey。First of all,I represent XX travel agency to welcome everyone here come to visit capital of Beijing.I'm pleasure tobe your local tour g.

英语翻译 1.This peaceful but disobeying activity leads to the changes of the minority of Amecican laws.2.In 1932,he married with her and actively participated civil rights activities.3.She hopes that the black.

英语翻译 今天放学坐公交车回家由于是下班放学的高峰期公车上挤满了人Go home by bus after school today because it is at the peak of the school bus was crowded with people from work突然有个老奶奶上来她动作缓慢 司机很生气骂了她几句后把门关上There was an old lady suddenly come up to her slowly The driver was very angry to scold her close the door after a few words她上来站了很久都没人让座突然一个瘦弱的女孩站起来微笑着让座She came to stand for a long time didn't give a thin girl suddenly stood up his seat with a smile我感觉人间自由真情小女孩就像天使一样I feel the freedom really is good in the world little girl just like an angel


