大概看一下题目的英文 请看一下英语的题目。(关于own)


英语翻译 1.结合题目的观点,我们可以从以下几个方面来看In connection with the subject matter,let's start in the following ways.2.我们先了解*的概念,下面我们从*的观点来进行论述.We'll first learn what concept\"-\"is.The following are our opinions about\"-3.问题可以从一下几个方面来回答~Thequestion may be answered in the following ways4.我认为这个问题应该从*和*等流派的观点来进行综合分析I think thisquestion should be answered by analysing the viewpoints from\"-\"and that/those of the alike.5.我们可以看一个例子Now let's come to an example.

大概看一下题目的英文 请看一下英语的题目。(关于own)

几道英语题目。务必看一下。 1.I bought an e-bag from the interntr yesterday2.It was difficult to make a kite.3.I want something that can keep me awake.4.An envelope is something that we can put a letter in.put kept boughtdid began hanged/hungknew taught foundclicked dialed pickedfelt sent

大概看一下题目的英文 请看一下英语的题目。(关于own)

英语题目谁帮忙看一下 一1 writing2 cleaning3 Protecting4 to follow5 be recycled6 to make a great difference to7 turning off8 will be displayed二1 A2 D3 A4 B5 C三1 becoming worse and worse2 been in use3 for us to protect environment4 with,around5 run out

大概看一下题目的英文 请看一下英语的题目。(关于own)


