我打算在五一假期过得愉快用英语怎么说 英语翻译:我的暑假假期过得很愉快。


国庆长假,写一篇英语作文,标题是国庆你怎么度过的? The National DayOct,1 of every year is our National Day.Today is Oct 1st,2012 and is also our National Day.It is a important festival in China.The Five-Star Flag is flying high in the sky of the Tian'anmen Square.And we can have a eight-days holiday.During the holiday,people can go to some places of interest for visiting.On the early morning of the 1st day,I had my breakfast quickly with my family,and then went shopping outside with my several friends.After lunch,I went to the park and played badminton with my younger brother.I had planed to travel to some places of interest but youcan see so many people,so many cars,and traffic jam everywhere,so I spent the holiday at home.I got together with my family to enjoy the moonlight,discussed some interesting topics,talked about the legends such as\"ChangEr\".Of course,I didn't forget to do my homework.According to plan,I did my homework everyday,so I think I had a good time and I am very happy.And I wish everyone has a happy holiday.汉语。

我打算在五一假期过得愉快用英语怎么说 英语翻译:我的暑假假期过得很愉快。


我打算在五一假期过得愉快用英语怎么说 英语翻译:我的暑假假期过得很愉快。

你是怎么追到现在的另一半,或者你是怎么被现在的另一半追到? 哇哈哈,终于等到了一个可以秀恩爱的问题!你们准备好了嘛,超长篇大软文,特矫情超骚包的文章就要出炉啦…

我打算在五一假期过得愉快用英语怎么说 英语翻译:我的暑假假期过得很愉快。

100字的寒假假期表现怎么写? http://www.tlsyxx.net/Article/Print.asp?ArticleID=475假期见闻要说在这个假期里我认为感触最深的就是和外国人交流,做为一个英语专业的大二学生来说,这件事让我产生了。

英语翻译:我的暑假假期过得很愉快。 I enjoyed my summer vacation very much.我的暑假假期过得很愉2113快.词汇解析:1、summer vacation英文5261发音:[?s?m?(r)ve??ke??n]中文释义:暑假例句4102:During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students.在过去几年里,政府1653将学生放暑假的时间相互错开。2、enjoyed英文发音:[?n?d???d]中文释义:v.享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受enjoy的过去分词和过去式例句:My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life我儿子是个安静温和的人,喜欢运动和享受生活。扩展资料enjoyed的同根词:1、enjoyable英文发音:[?n'd????bl]中文释义:adj.快乐的;有乐趣的;令人愉快的例句:It was much enjoyable than I had expected.它比我原先想的要令人愉快得多。2、enjoyment英文发音:[?n'd???m?nt]中文释义:n.享受;乐趣;享有例句:I get enjoyment out of my job.我在我的工作之外得到乐趣。
