你的英语老师是谁,怎么用英语是说 who is your teacher?我是一个初三的女生,我特别喜欢我的英语老师,我还是课代表,我总是期待英语课,一有老师占她的课我都很 我有何尝不是呢知,我也是英语课代表,英语成绩是班上最好的,也很喜欢英语老师,很期待她的课,只不过我是初一女生,刚上初中一学期。她很道幽默,很爱笑,很和蔼,也很聪明,三观和我非常契合。感觉只要看着她开心我就很开心,能让她少操心的事情一定要提前安顿好,作业内按时收,及时进行汇报。她也很喜欢我,很关注我容,这样的感觉很好,每天觉得心里满满的,很开心,同时这也是我学习英语的动力以“我的英语老师”为题,用英语写一篇50词左右的短文.要求如下求大神帮助 Teacher Li is a young man,he was always angry work force He lectures lively and interesting He loves the work,love students,we often play with after school He is not only our teachers and our friends,we all like him英语翻译 My favorite teacher is my teacher.She is very popular in our school.She is very kind and friendly.And she is very strict with us in our studies,too.Whenever we have problems she will help.这就是我们的英语老师,我有一个好英语老师,你有吗?的英文 。 Miss Hou is my high school teacher.Her name is Jenny.She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away.She is not too tall,about 150cm.She is experiened of teaching.She teaches me for three years.In the other word,she is the only teacher during my high school study.She is special.She will show an song to us before her class.A few days later,she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape.I can still remember some songs she taught us.It is strang that she looks so weak,but no one in my class will against her word.I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her.She is serious in work,so that our whole class’s is good.Happily,she is our friend after class.She always palys badminton with us.She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy.In my mind,a good teacher is than a million books.And she will be my mentor forever.Jenny,my teacher,I love you.侯老师是我的高中英语老师。她的英文名字是珍妮。。我的英语老师是个男的,他的课我们都很喜欢上,(英语意思) My teacher is a man,and we like having all of his classes.我的英语老师 我有一个漂亮的英语老师,她叫Teacher Peggy,是一位慈祥的老师,她很少批评…… 你想说明什么、
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