我在荆州的英文 英语翻译


谁可以用英语帮我写一篇关于荆州的介绍,大概150字左右.语句尽量简单易懂. 孩子.自己写吧.你这复制的.and it's located in the southern part of Jiangsu Province荆州跑江苏去了么.英语介绍荆州 Jingzhou,with a history of than 2,600 years,is the cradle of Chu Culture and one of primary places of Three Kingdoms culture.Jingzhou was the native place of Qu Yuan,the great patriotic poet in China and a town of military importance in the periods of dozens of kingdoms and dynasties.To the east of Jingzhou is Wuhan,a hub city of traffic;to the west is the world-known project of Three Gorges;to the south is the vast lake of Dong Ting;to the north is the imposing beautiful mountain of Wu Dang.Having peaceful,picturesque campuses dotted with relaxing and scenic spaces,the city is really a good place to visit.谁可以用英语帮我写一篇关于荆州的介绍,大概150字左右。语句尽量简单易懂。 孩子。自己写吧。你这复制的。and it's located in the southern part of Jiangsu Province荆州跑江苏去了么。英语翻译 Hello,everyone.Today is my duty report for you.Today I introduce my hometown Jingzhou.The point on the graph is the Jingzhou position in the whole country,today I is divided into five sections to.英语翻译 【原文】殷仲堪既为荆州,值水俭,食常五碗盘,外无余肴,饭粒脱落盘席间,辄拾以啖之.虽欲率物,亦缘其性真素.每语子弟云:“勿以我受任方州,云我豁平昔时意,今吾处之不易.贫者,士之常,焉得登枝而损其本。尔曹其存之.”(.英语翻译 Born and grown up here,I love Jingzhou Museum of Hubei most.Without any doubt,I love my home most in the place i am living in.Among all the places I once lived in,I like Shenzhen best.英语翻译 老外有商业城这个说法,business town 这个词,city 这个是不行的,用city指商业区的,只有伦敦商业区可以这样用.不懂请继续追问我哦.1.the City[sing.](BrE)Britain's financial and business centre,in the oldest part of London(伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区,伦敦城2.[U]the area of a town where most of the shops/stores and businesses are(城镇的)商业区:Can you give me a lift into town?我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗?我的建议如下:Yiwu small commodities town in Jingzhou荆州义乌小商品城英语翻译 大致是说 建安初年,诸葛亮与石广元,徐元直、孟公威等人游学·石广元,徐元直、孟公威三人读书精熟,而诸葛亮却观之大略·当四人谈到志向的时候,诸葛亮说他们三人可以官至“刺史郡守”,然而对自己的志向却笑而不答·后来孟公威思乡欲归顺曹操,诸葛亮对他说:中国有识之士还是很多的,何必偏安一隅.


