我在家里看电视英语 “今天,我一整天都待在家里看电视”的英语怎么说


英语翻译 this is national day,今天是国庆节,I am very glad,我很高兴,why?because school give us 7 day holiday,为什么,因为学校给我们放了7天假,this is very valuable,这是非常宝贵的,because in common day,we students only can study,study,study,without anytime to play,因为在平时,我们学生只能学习,没有时间去玩儿.How I can spend this 7 days 我如何度过这7天呢?first,I will go to eat KFC with my friends,首先,我会和我的朋友一起去吃肯德基,then,we will see films in advanced cinema,其次,我们会一起去看电影,在高档影院.at last,we will play gunfight game in internet bar,最后,我们会一起去网吧玩CS.oh,within a inch of we forget to eat a bowl of hand pulled noodle of beef in the moon.差点忘了,我们还会一起在晚上的月光下吃一碗牛肉拉面.

我在家里看电视英语 “今天,我一整天都待在家里看电视”的英语怎么说

我宁愿呆在家看电视英语怎么说 I would rather stay at home watching TV.

我在家里看电视英语 “今天,我一整天都待在家里看电视”的英语怎么说

我现在在家看电视用英文怎样说 I am watching TV at home now如果能帮到你,请好评一个,谢谢

我在家里看电视英语 “今天,我一整天都待在家里看电视”的英语怎么说

昨天晚上6点我在家看电视用英语怎么说 昨天晚上六点我在家看电视I watched TV at 6‘oclock last night.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!

“今天,我一整天都待在家里看电视”的英语怎么说 Today,I stayed at home and watched TV all day!前面加上今天听起来很别扭,还要看你想用什么时态啊

我在家看电视用英语怎么说 I am watching TV at home.

昨天晚上6点我在家看电视用英语怎么说 - 百度 I watched TV at home at(about)six yesterday evening.Yesterday evening I watched TV at home at(about)six.orI was watching TV at six at home yesterday evening.不知哪一句是你的原意?


