你奶奶七点钟要来我们家翻译成英语 谁能把下面的句子翻译成英文,好的话加分:我们家有三口人,爸爸妈妈我,我们三口是快乐的家庭


我们家有六口人,他们是爷爷.奶奶.爸爸.妈妈.小弟弟和我 翻译成英文 我们家有六口人,他们是爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、小弟弟和我。There are six people in my family,my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother,my little brother and I.

你奶奶七点钟要来我们家翻译成英语 谁能把下面的句子翻译成英文,好的话加分:我们家有三口人,爸爸妈妈我,我们三口是快乐的家庭


你奶奶七点钟要来我们家翻译成英语 谁能把下面的句子翻译成英文,好的话加分:我们家有三口人,爸爸妈妈我,我们三口是快乐的家庭

我们家有六口人,他们是爷爷.奶奶.爸爸.妈妈.小弟弟和我 翻译成英文

你奶奶七点钟要来我们家翻译成英语 谁能把下面的句子翻译成英文,好的话加分:我们家有三口人,爸爸妈妈我,我们三口是快乐的家庭

英语翻译 1.I went to see my grandparents last week.2.I had seen the film before you told me about it.3.Mom didn't watch TV last night and she went to the aunt's.4.Students of my class was playing football on the playground this time yesterday.5.He said he would wait for me at the gate.6.We plan to go surfing tomorrow.7.We will be at an class this time tomorrow.

谁能把下面的句子翻译成英文,好的话加分:我们家有三口人,爸爸妈妈我,我们三口是快乐的家庭 Our family has three people,my father and mother,we three are happy familytraductor这个可以翻译所有的语言

英语翻译 There is homework but not as much as before.I've got some homework to do,but not much.I suggest you to give them a call tomorrow.We' re preparing to go to Granny's home tomorrow.What do you usually do.

英语翻译 A:过几天就放假。假期你有什么安排呢?A:There will be a holiday in a few days。Do you have any schedule on vacation?B:我们一家人打算到奶奶家玩那你呢?B:My whole family plan to go to grandmother's home to play.How about you?A:你就好拉。我吖?我要去打工。A:you are so happy。My?I plan to work as a temporary labourer。B:打工吖?我也想去吖?可是我一年才去奶奶家一次。所以不能去.B:Work as a temporary labourer?I also want to go?But I go to grandmother's home once a year。So I can't go with you.A:哦.你奶奶是那里人吖?A:Oh.Where dose your grandmother from?B:是北京人.你问来做什么吖?B:From Beijing.Why do you ask it?A:当然是叫你带礼物回来给我咯。A:It’s certainly that ask you to carry the present to me when you come back。B:你打完工后做什么吖?B:What will you do after completing your workA:有空就看看书.听听歌。我那有你好运去玩吖?A:When I have time I will read a book.and listen to music。I don’t have a goog luck like you.B:可能我明天会突然说不去.陪你去打工呢?B:Perhaps I will suddenly say not go to…。.

英语翻译 Chinese New Year's Eve,the father's mother takes me to go to grandfather's grandmother's house to have reunited rice together.Chinese New Year's Day,in early morning,we go to grandfather's grandmother's house to make New Year's visit again.Big beginning of year two,we go to grandpa's grandmother's house to make New Year's visit again.Beginning three,grandmother's brother's inviting us is an old woman over the birthday to the hotel.Beginning four,the grandfather takes me to make New Year's visit to the chongming aunt's amily.Beginning five,I took a rest in the home for a day.Beginning six,the father's mother takes me to the agriculture industry and business supermarket shopping.


