中译英,要人工翻译。 Last winter holiday,I travel to Australia with my father and mother.We set off at six in the evening,at 7 o 'clock the next morning arrived in Australia.Because now it's summer in Australia,we all put on the short sleeve shorts.After simple rest,our family went to the zoo,after visiting,we took pictures and cute koala and kangaroo to reserved for memorial,and we are all very happy.The second day,we went to the Sydney opera house,we are very enjoy the time in the opera house.Unfortunately,we forget the way back to the hotel.I want to ask passers-by originally,but because my is not very good,l didn't understand,we are all very embarrassed.This tells me,it is important to learn well.After spending two days in Australia,we set foot on the way home.In the airport,I'm going to buy some souvenirs in the shop,like a plush toy koala.Overall,we are in this two days not only to understand the local conditions and customs of Australia,also visited many scenic resort.We all had a 。
我最喜欢的动物是考拉,它是棕色的,它喜欢在树上睡觉,他喜欢吃树叶,他一天几乎只是睡觉和吃饭,但是它很可爱. My favourite animal is the koala.The koala is greyish-brown and enjoy sleeping in trees.It loves to eat tree leaves.Actually,it mostly just eats and sleep every day,but they are cute。
澳大利亚的一种会飞的动物请问叫什么(具体如下描述)? 袋鼯
今天去动物园,我先看我喜欢的考拉,因为它非常的可爱,后来我又去看了熊猫,它很可爱也很漂亮.我非常喜欢动物.今天很开心 To the zoo today,I look at the I like the koalas,because it's very cute,but I went saw the panda,it is also pretty cute.I love animals.Very happy today
我的城堡 作文 在我寂寞的时候,我会坐在床上抱着毛绒绒的熊回忆或是幻想一些事。我喜欢自己的房间-对,是房间而不是卧室。我的房间不仅仅是我睡觉的地方,他是我的城堡,一个人的城堡,我是孤独的堡主,坚守着这块属于我一个人的温润的土地。房间里的木纹地板光滑得能映出窗户的影子,我喜欢光着脚踩木纹地板上窗户的影子,听清脆的脚步声在房间里回荡。墙是白色的,确切的说是苍白的,让人感觉寂寞。于是我在苍白的墙上挂上了许多饰物。墙上贴着很多明星海报,他们有着商业化的表情和姿势,在那里对我微笑或是故作深沉。照片多是小樱的,我喜欢小樱,她有甜美的笑容和透亮的瞳孔。墙上还挂着一串冰蓝色的风铃,风一吹,它就摇晃着身体发出清甜的响声,像在唱歌,我在一旁认真倾听。这些东西把这几面苍白的墙装饰得很温情。但有一张画报不同,上面有让我心疼的孩子和小狗。看见这张画报的时候我的心狠狠地疼了一下,孩子的神情告诉我他想回家。于是我买下了画报,我默默地说,孩子,我带你回家!我把它贴在了最显眼的地方,这样我每天都可以用我灼热的目光给他温暖了。墙角靠着一架黑色的钢琴,琴盖上落满了厚厚,我看车子,看人群,看天空,看星星,看空气里的寂寞在跳舞。我在自己的城堡。